The U.S. Consumer Wanted – Dead or Alive!

The U.S. Consumer Wanted – Dead or Alive!

Who knew? I found out the truth of the matter is that much to the chagrin of the Federal Reserve, the U.S. consumer refuses to die. They just won’t say “Uncle”, dang-it! And the last to realize this fact is the only agency that’s supposed to know better, the Federal Reserve Board. Give consumers a job and ample funds to spend but few goods to buy and they will continue to shop – at stores, out of town, around town, out of state, in-state, out of country, and even travel to outer space for something. It’s a spending “infestation” I tell you [which seems to have no cure]. There is one cure though – read on. The Federal Reserve Board has been trying to squash consumer demand for how long now? Their faulty approach is going to take a ton longer, it will be an uphill climb for the Fed and their “rate hike only” approach; it could last well until 2024 because [I would argue that] it’s not working!

The numbers of employed consumers consuming things are like roaches and rats running around out there, as soon as you squash one you’ll find 10 more come out of shopping centers holding big bags of new things – from autos to homes to clothes to fancy gadgets. Consumers gotta consume and they’re not going to stop consuming until they get over-intoxicated from their purchasing of stuff, all kinds of stuff. And while some consumers may pass out from total exhaustion, or even die hanging onto their brand-spanking new “consumptions” the Federal Reserve will not be able to do one thing about it. Rate hikes are not the medicine required here to stop all this healthy consumption.

The best way to stop the consumption cycle is to flood our markets with product – all kinds of products, and services. For example, instead of a chicken in every pot Washington Lawmakers should put a gas guzzling Candy Apple Red Cadillac in every driveway. It will make “keeping up with the Jone’s” a heck of a lot easier and these same consumers might just begin to say “Meh” to those un-necessaries and we will see price inflation quickly subside. But our federal government is run by idiot Democrats who have accomplished the exact opposite; instead they’ve made everything from fuel to baby formula to eggs to housing in short supply [much harder to obtain], and that works on the psyche of any consumer, increasing the desire to spend more, not less.

The American consumer has become Public Enemy Number One for these inflation fighters working under the direction of the Biden Crime Family; mainly because these Washington inflation fighters brought the equivalent of a squirt gun to a house fire! Instead of targeting the root cause of U.S. inflation by opening up the supply floodgates, they have increased restrictive regulations on all goods and services. This is why the current Federal Reserve fight to tame inflation will go in vane…

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Jeff Page
2 years ago
Reply to  BNewman

Sad thing is, we are depleting our own defense in order for Ukraine to survive. Never would have happened under Trump. It’s ok though, we have many Guatemalans to pay the taxes to replenish. Guess what? What we exported out of SPR was part of GDP; sickening isn’t it?

Jeff Page
2 years ago

Different thoughts:
Jerome Powell is having a fiscal fight along with an M2 fight and very sticky core #’s. Chalk it up to our illustrious Congress and Treasury department. M2 has plummeted the greatest since 1932 – 33 (, (, St.Louis Fed). Tear apart the GDP report, heavily boosted by government, not the consumer. MarketWatch has some great articles that you can sift through. Baldwin has been going through all of it. Housing is slowing down rapidly and consumer Durable Goods barley got off the mat.