While most of us are living in Stereo or even Mono as we worry over the most minute things. If you relate to this concept then you’re in the majority. Most of us are caught up in the day-to-day minutia, grounded where we worry about the smallest little things. Have you ever asked, “I wonder what God worries over”? He’s not worried about what you’re worried over, that’s for certain! Consider this commentary from John 20:29:
“Notice that Jesus did not correct Thomas but accepted his worship, saying, because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe. God wants you to believe in him before you see him work in your life.” [from The Tony Evans Bible Commentary]
If you read the Old Testament from beginning to end you’ll come to know how important it is to consult and consider God in your plans. That’s the lesson that the Israelites had to learn which lasted well passed the Old Testament era. I’m not singling out any group of individuals at all, half the people in this country still ignore God, the number may even be larger than that. When you ignore the creator you are acting as one – you have effectively replaced him [in your mind anyway]. Many of us have abandoned God throughout history. How did that work out you ask? Great examples are all over the inside of the Old Testament, you might want to open that book and see for yourself. 🙂
If God is sovereign over all creation, including the Universe, he is therefore omnipresent. The analogy I’m using to convey this is he operates in “surround sound”, as he’s coming in from all directions being that he is ever-present and all-knowing. And just because you might have chosen to go it on your own and live your life outside his counsel does not mean he has abandoned you. He’s very much still available as you read this. He encourages you to seek him out, it’s never too late. Well maybe too late to reach your full potential [in life] – the place where you live in accordance with his will [for you], or it might not be? You’ll need to confer with him over that. Consider these commentaries from John 19:13 and John 20:30-31:
“… One day every Christian will stand before the judgement seat of Christ so that he may render a verdict, not regarding salvation, but regarding each person’s service and faithfulness to him. What will he say to you?”
“John tells his readers… these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name… he wrote it so that readers might believe that Jesus is the Messiah – … – who died as a substitutionary atonement for sins and that, by believing, they will receive eternal life – that is, an eternal relationship with God and an ever-expanding experience of his reality in our lives. That’s what salvation is all about.”
[from The Tony Evans Bible Commentary]
God Works in Surround Sound…

Life is to easy if your only concern is with your phone being down to 15%. Millenial type issues. Without GOD, can you really ever experience being at peace? If there were no GOD, would you ever feel compelled to do the right thing? Love just one woman? Teach your children right from wrong? I’d say surround sound and a telescope.
I’m focusing again on the benefits of the word [scripture et. al.] as recently I began a new Bible Study Class that meets weekly for several more weeks. I wanted to incorporate the message that Jesus gave his followers in regards to worrying over their [life] outcomes. Effectively he promised, I will bring you peace, you need not worry over any strife as long as you believe in me. That message will need to wait for another post…