Guess Who’s Out-of-Money Again?

Guess Who’s Out-of-Money Again?

Did you guess North Korea’s Kim Jung Un? In another episode of “here we go again”; we’ve seen this movie play out before. Kim is firing missiles over the country of Japan, again. Just another Communist country that can’t pay the bills, and can’t produce enough food or other sustenance for their people. But at the same time, he refuses to loosen the grip his evil regime has over the country.

There’s a great lesson to be had here, and Communists are always the last to listen to any advice. When a central government takes away all the incentive to build a business with the goal being to prosper, they’re setting their own people up to starve to death. What’s always fascinated me is why would anyone want to run a country that is in constant turmoil brought on by never-ending paranoia? Peace and contentment will never play a part [of the recipe] inside one of these Communist regimes. They’re spending all their time either protecting the illegitimacy of the regime from the inside against coups brought on by their extreme control [through lies and propaganda], or they’re attempting to extort money [from free countries], or even land in order to maintain sustenance.

Most free nations impose trade restrictions on a Communist regime. No country in their right mind would ever sell them anything that would give them a military advantage in wartime, which goes without saying. However, what you’ll notice about these awful regimes are two-fold:
For one, all these illegitimate regimes stick together across the world, sanctions will force them to seek each other out for the trade of goods, services, and natural resources that they may possess. So the likes of Iran, Cuba, North Korea, China, Venezuela and Russia [and others] will reciprocate on trade.
And two, these regimes are way more interested in boosting their military capabilities at the expense of feeding their people, the people they hold captive. Aggression toward neighboring countries is quite common as they attempt to acquire resources or even grow their influence illegitimately. The world is witnessing Putin directing Russia into this kind of activity… being a Commie must be a tough way to make it [in life]. 🙂

Communist China basically controls neighboring North Korea, but they don’t want them infiltrating their own country, they don’t love them that much. However, the Chinese will do about anything to keep the existing dysfunctional North Korean regime in place. The last thing the Communist Chinese would want is to see a free, open, and stable North Korea. That would be a threat to their own regime to have that occur on their Eastern border. So the world will have to deal with “predictable” Kim Jung Un while China maintains his people with food and other supplies.

~ “Momma don’t let your babies grow up to be Commies” ~

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Jeff Page
1 year ago

F’n Dems are no different. Power & control.