Bang! Bang! Say the Godless Democrats

Bang! Bang! Say the Godless Democrats

It’s never Mental Illness it’s always the gun claim Democrats – it went off all by itself! Has anyone ever heard a more naive answer to a terrible problem? Taxifornia comes to mind when I think of a state which supports and promotes mental illness, and for decades now. In California the Democrats promote people living on the street [even around expensive neighborhoods], people they supply with needles the idea being – this way they can shoot up more “safely”. Why of course Democrats! Has anyone ever heard of a policy more ignorant? This is stupidity at its finest, stupidity exemplified!

Democrats blame victims of gun violence on guns, [an inanimate object], never those that point a gun at an innocent victim and pull the trigger are ever the killers in their minds. No my friend, these complete idiots want you to believe that guns go off all by their lonesome. Don’t laugh, because these same Democrats have not only reached the halls of Congress, they’re serving in our White House now. But that’s only because you elected them. Yes – it’s true, you elected the dumbest mo-fo’s to ever grace the planet and they’re now running the country. And now it’s coming back to bite you in the A-S-S. It’s on the voters, and the problem is that this ignorance has placed you and all your family members [and friends] in exceptional danger. It’s dangerous to just go shopping in towns across America now or to stop and fill your tank or charge your vehicle, or for Americans to just exercise their freedoms and enjoy life, it’s dangerous! Because you decided to place ignorance over public safety citizens in our major cities now risk their lives just to walk outside.

Who will be a victim of violence now that you exercised ignorance at the polls – and at your open borders, and across these United States? You will, along with the rest of us. You see, all American citizens lose when ignorance wins… how does that make one sleep better at night? 🙁

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

I carry a gun because of just that! See, getting rid of GOD in our schools worked out well.