A “Move” Toward The Future –
What I’m describing here is “somewhere” this country hasn’t visited for decades but get ready for it because it’s inevitable – it’s coming! In a Back-to-the-Future move we haven’t seen since the 1980’s, inflation is back! That’s not news what is news is that its back for an extended period of time and I’m going to attempt to persuade you to adopt that opinion as I point some things out you might have missed. Things that are just beginning to scratch the surface of our everyday American life. Ridiculously ignorant corporate CEOs and board members have finally recognized that Communist China is run by Communists and Communists cannot be trusted with our supply chain, not one bit. Not for food and fuel or even electronics, and most of all, our safety as freedom loving people. Communism hasn’t somehow evolved into this user friendly puppy-fuzz thing. Communism is still the brutal regime it always was, the same brutality we remember when most of us were only toddlers. Communists are still busy killing their own people by first stamping out intellectuals [these are the ones that know better]. These are the folks they need to get rid of first in order to take over the territory. Get it? Understand something else, all Communist regimes begin with an introductory period of Socialism, what can be referred to as “Communism Light”. Once they arrive at full control of the government and its dealings going for complete control of every privately held business and property is a breeze. That’s today’s Communism at work.
American Supply Chains Re-Patriated –
Are moving slowly away from Communist China like never before. What you need to know is that this initial move is inflationary on several levels. China never paid a living wage [to laborers] so now that we are re-patriating manufacturing facilities over here and other places, expect input costs [labor costs, etc.] to rise which in turn will be passed on to American consumers. Overall, this is not a bad thing; the move is eventually positive for America because we will be much safer having our own supply of food and other essential needs along with shelter. Plus this move creates tons of American-made jobs instead of funding Communist jobs [for a change]. However, this move [which had to come] will put pressure on prices overall, at least for a time. I estimate a full supply chain re-patriation could impact domestic prices for a period of five but probably less than ten years out. However, once that adjustment is made it will put America and all its true citizens in a very good place economically and personally, as we count the many ways our freedom gets won once again, and on so many levels. The timing of a full re-patriation could be accomplished even earlier given advances in technology and medicine which at this writing continue unabated so I don’t see much hindrance to the plan. The pushback will come from those who have made a living by taking bribes and extorting money from America’s enemies in order to profit from complicity toward our enemies. Kind of like what the Biden Crime Family has been doing for the past two decades, that sort of treasonous activity. In addition, “woke-ism” along with “Climate Change” activism continue to hinder our progress as a nation. America going “woke” and these “climate change” zealots have been boosting the coffers of Communist and Islamic regimes. Cruel and illegitimate regimes like Communist China, Russia, and Iran to name just a few.
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Regarding U.S. Inflationary Pressures –
Let’s get this out on the table, so here you go. The good news, at least we can be energy independent again once the Democrats no longer control our government. Therefore, fuel to run autos and heat and cool our homes will become more reliable and cheaper as well. Unfortunately, because they spent so much money on needless government programs like fake “Climate Change” initiatives and other unnecessary perversities do not expect taxes to decrease anytime soon. Income taxes and all sorts of taxes will be needed to reduce the gargantuan federal debt levels exacerbated under the Democrats. Higher taxation reduces discretionary spending as well as spending on new plants and equipment so expect the U.S. economy to limp along instead of sprint to any finish line [for a time anyway]. Forgiving of student debt in the amounts the Democrats are talking [if they are successful] will be inflationary as well. Anytime you create money out of no where, to pay off hundreds of $billions in loans, that devalues the currency and effectively gives thousands of Americans, former students a gift of cash. Our Democrat-run corrupt IRS probably won’t even issue the customary 1099 for those that do get their loans paid by the tax payers, that’s Socialism at work once again! This “re-patriation” of our supply chains will also result in “re-freezing” relations with some countries who are bad actors, essentially isolating evil foreign regimes. We used to do this all the time, every day, now we hug and kiss Communists, have you noticed that? I think this changed [for the worse] when enough American politicians began accepting foreign bribes from foreign dictators… funny how that works huh.
Americans Must Feel Pain [First] –
Overall, I’d have to say most Americans are slow learners, I recognize slow learning because it has described me many times. The fact is that American voters have to suffer prior to making a change for the better, we have some very lazy fuks living here. Until some actually feel the pain of woke-ism and climate change activism and other type of craziness they won’t change anything. Instead, they will continue to vote the same way because they don’t have the intelligence to see through the B.S., not yet anyway. Pain must be administered first before we see lasting improvement in our personal circumstances, this goes for all of us. Thus the intellectuals among us who are not running for office or taking bribes from foreign dictators have to wait until the lowest evolved brains in the country see the light, and until then these type changes [to our advantage] won’t take place on a large scale anyway, but when they do look for the things I discussed here to be our new environment.
Where America’s New “Re-flation” Will Lead

Our fearless leader meets with Xi today. Xi will say “climate change” 75 times and Biden will fold like a tent. It may take us ten years to get our supply chain back and we must become an exporter nation again (see the Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese… models). We’ve given away the house to manufacturing and skilled labor. We’ve now surpassed $1Trillion per year in interest payments alone and companies will want $$$ to re-shore output. How will this be accomplished? By crushing unions? The list can go on but, re-shoring is essential for our survival. We can no longer even build a ship.
I hope the U.S. government keeps paying me interest on their worthless paper. Did you hear that Moody’s came in last week and reiterated “negative view” on U.S. Treasury bonds? Fitch was the first rating agency to do so a couple months back. Now two rating agencies are saying the same thing, it’s no longer AAA paper. This whole thing stinks to high heaven! Equity market rallies usually in November thru early December and for what? Near-term sugar high I guess. I haven’t changed my opinions at all, let’s see if this enthusiasm for Democrat run government holds once Kamala Harris has to assume the role of President.
As far as supply chain re-patriation, it’s down to essential now. No doubt about it essential for the existence of what’s left of America after these Socialists have taken over, but it will cost initially. The percentage of workers belonging to unions has really declined in the U.S., some statistic came out last week saying only 20% of workers or so now belong to a union in this country. Xi visiting for what? Chinese brand of Communism is no longer working in his own country. That scumbag, walking around with a smirk on his face, I wonder how many dissidents he murders per year and we’re going to “Host” him? Hosting a frigging communist? Democrats are dumber than a box of rocks. What we should be doing is detaining Xi here and demand ransom money to give him back to China, the ransom amount is $33 Trillion! Which will pay off our National Debt! 🙂