U.S. Corporations That Fund the Spread of Communism

U.S. Corporations That Fund the Spread of Communism

What you’re about to read is sad. Sad for you, sad for your children, and sad for the future of your country. Sad but true…
I found a Barron’s article from November 2021 that discusses the very same subject I want to convey here. A ton of American corporations are effectively Commie Lovers! There are so many American Corporations beholden – effectively married to Communist China. Does this surprise you? When will we wake up as a nation that when we trade with Communist countries we are effectively complicit in their acts of oppressing the human rights of their masses, including the torturing and killing of dissidents to their illegal regimes? Not to mention the nuclear weapons proliferation that Communist countries are involved in. The fact remains that Communist countries are natural enemies to any Democratic rule, always, a situation that will never change.

What determines an illegal regime in the first place? I can tell you how I define an illegitimate regime – any government in power that is not the result of the fair election of its people by its people… it is as simple as that for a dividing line between a legitimate government and an illegitimate one. Communist China is not alone in this construct – Russia, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, and several countries in Africa are also run by despots, or illegitimate regimes. Therefore, I think it is important that we call out American corporations for their part in being complicit, or continually supporting these evil regimes [in so many financial ways]. I want to thank Barron’s for publishing an article more in-depth on this subject (part of their list of American firms operating in China is pictured here). I have also compiled a list below of major American public corporations that have a large physical presence and/or advocate for and invest in Communist China. I do not claim my list to be complete/exhaustive, as certainly this problem of supporting and abating Communists continues to grow. However, I want to point out that companies involved in this activity are not only subjecting their investors to financial risks, they are also risking the welfare of their home country, think about that before you put one dollar into any of these names again:
Agilent Technologies
Blackrock (world’s largest asset management firm)
J.P. Morgan

Companies like this face additional risks due to the instability of relations and potential public policy changes coming out of Washington. How did this [mess] happen in the first place? You know, there was a time that the United States forbid any involvement with Communist governments, what happened to that? Over the years public policy was relaxed partly due to this boneheaded idea that if we show them the Yankee dollar that somehow Communists will turn to more Democratic ways and leave their Communism behind? Boy there’s some real naive dumbasses in Washington, D.C. huh? LMAO! The other thing that happened is that American corporations saw a way to profit from their “slave labor” vs. dealing with the Democrat installed trade unions at home, and indeed it is way cheaper. Fast forward to today and these corporations are now basically funding and sustaining the spread of Communism through their self-interest dealings, creating a very dangerous situation. Have they ever realized the harm their profit motives might place on America? Not only from a loss of thousands of American jobs but also the capital moving out of the country simultaneously lifting the foreign currencies of evil dictatorships. One of their motives was no doubt a way to circumvent the highest corporate taxes in the world, so I get all that but at what cost? Sky high corporate tax rates are yet another Democrat political policy disaster which we’ve covered on here before. Do you think any of these “C Suite” guys ever gave it a thought, that they were systematically placing their country and themselves at risk by doing business with Commies? Pretty sad we have this many stupid individuals making decisions inside our largest American corporations. I have zero confidence in people like this…

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

Agreed 100%.

Jeff Page
2 years ago

With my focus going directly at Apple (AAPL), yes little Timmy. Dollar for dollar Timmy has a worm, well, in his AAPL.

How can our State Department not be involved in negotiations at the $275B level? Technology? Are we not putting every American at risk?
This is a drop in the bucket, it’s then condemnation of what made this country great.
It’s Woke’ism at it’s finest! Hate America first while there are no “gay rights” in the CCP, no Free Speech, transgender HAHA!
WTF is “equity”? Do we all get a special place at the front of the line? Then we’ll all just be waiting at the front of the line, wait, that’s inclusive, now I’m really confused. I should probably ask a “professional teacher” to discuss his weekend with his boyfriend Bob, loving each other and holding hands and intimate details with my 5 year old. CEO’s have lost their collective minds. It’s all about the money and condemning America. Let’s all start chanting, “We’re number two, we’re number two”! The WOKE & XI would be so happy!