Time For The Dreaded “R” Word ~

Time For The Dreaded “R” Word ~

Let’s get the word back out, and dust it off, been awhile since we’ve had a bonafide recession. Americans should begin preparing for recession. Looks as if one will be here before you know it. We have been living under siege by nothing but “Woke” Liberals/Leftists/Democrats, by any other name. Basically, people who have zero vision with their constant failures on implementing public policy. Leadership at the top on down here in America requires vision in order to avoid things such as sudden reversals in economic growth known as recessions and depressions. The 2 to 10-year U.S. Treasury yield curve is very close to inverting. The difference between the two is now down to just 25 bps. Closing in on an inversion, and this even before the Federal Reserve could hike rates once, that should tell market watchers something right there. Any adjustments in public policy inside the United States (at this point) are going to be too few and too late. I hate to be a Debbie Downer here but appears the damage to public policy(ies) by Democrats is done my friend.

I blame the “C” suites of most large American corporations. They embraced “woke-ism”, from the largest banks to the largest oil companies to the largest drug companies to you name it. These mega-cap corporations bought in on “woke-ism”, even including the promotion and delivering of financial support to domestic terror organizations. Correct! American corporations gave a ton of money toward the election of these total imbeciles that are now calling all the shots in Washington, from the White House down to Congress and even most state courts. They know who they are and what they have done. It’s truly unbelievable and a shame that we have to go through this exercise because somehow Trump’s tweets were “so mean”? Remember how mean they were? Yea, I don’t either. I’m laughing my ass off as these same fools don’t understand that they need to maintain their jobs too, and keep their companies running/profitable, and they live here also. What total dumbasses these “C” suiters are – incredible dumbasses! Yes, by all means pour 100’s of $millions into electing imbeciles (Democrats) to run cities, states, place them in important courts around the entire country when most all of them are on the take, yet somehow that’s all going to work out for you individually? LMAO! You should all be fired immediately and expelled from the country under grounds of treason – all of you involved in promoting these activities. I wish all woke corporations and their Democrats the worst in possible circumstances. They really deserve to be annihilated financially and personally for what they’ve done to this country over the past five years. From promoting the fake impeachment of an innocent man to promoting incompetent people to run our highest offices in the country, and now here we all are. Like what you did to your country jackass?

Now as for the rest of America, what’s left of it anyway, after this reckless behavior, I hope you folks that voted in Democrats have learned a valuable lesson here, a lesson I never ever needed reminding of. Now that Recession is imminent – it’s all yours! 🙂

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Jeff Page
3 years ago

End of a cycle. No big deal right?
Stagflation is sadly a more likely outcome. Hope I’m wrong.