Was Unsinkable!
I think the iceberg Gods must be mighty upset over their proposed extinction, the false extinction of the icebergs Democrats had predicted. Why do Democrats keep picking on icebergs? First it was their fake “Global Warming” initiative that was going to melt them, that idea wasn’t effective so they morphed it into a fake “Climate Change”, as if weather could be controlled by humans. Now things are mighty tough in Leftist-ville, and frankly about to get a whole lot tougher for today’s wild and wacky Progressive Socialists. Billionaire Elon Musk just used, what, 20% of his fortune to buy the ailing standard of “Woke” Leftist Social Media? This is only the tip of the iceberg for Democrats, (puns intended), for inside their Leftist world of Unicorn pretends, remember that “Climate Change” was supposed to validate them, by finally melting all them icebergs? LMBO!
Democrats are losing market share everywhere, the losing began a long, long time ago via their call for everything from defunding metro police departments to wide open borders that welcome deadly fentanyl and terrorists to inserting Climate initiatives into Fed Monetary Policy to forcing sex topics on pre-school kids and Critical Race Theory on all other students to pushing “new” and higher taxes including the addition of a wealth tax to funding domestic terror groups to refusing to prosecute prisoners to releasing dangerous criminals out of prison to continuing to hide acts of treason/collusion involving Islamic and Communist countries orchestrated by the Clinton’s, the Biden family, Senator Diane Feinstein, and don’t forget how Representative Eric Fartwell bedded a Communist Chinese Spy, to about every bad thing one could think of under the Sun. You name an infraction and Democrats and their party have been there and done that the list is exhaustive. And now the dastardly Democrats are entering their consequences phase – a downward spiral the proportion of which has never been seen in the history of this continent. And get this – it’s still early, very early! The Dog Days of Summer haven’t even arrived yet; I think the Aztecs would be preparing their sacrificial pyramid spires and sharpening the head chopping axes at this point, as those bloodthirsty November mid-term elections certainly loom for the lowest of the low in America today. One has to only wonder which Democrat(s) will go to their rightful place in society, jail.
I wanted to go further with this, not just finding justification to set the record straight about Democrats. No, what I searched for is a complete list of all American corporations that poured money into domestic terror organizations, specifically Black Lives Matter, these companies funded the violent destruction of businesses, and personal property and ruined the lives of hundreds if not thousands of Americans. I want to know who these companies are that are behind the funding of this radical non-charity terrorist movement. Americans need to know so that we can make certain that justice is served to those corporations and their leadership. Here is one list I found, I’m sure there are more out there, we need to make sure that all these companies are boycotted going forward and frankly, that their management faces responsibility including prosecution for the damage(s) they have inflicted on a once free American society-
- A16z
- Bumble
- Cisco
- DocuSign
- DoorDash
- Eaze
- Etsy
- Grindr
- Grubhub
- Matchstick Ventures
- Microsoft
Niantic - Peloton
- Shopify
- Snap
- Uber
- Techtonic
- Comcast
- Slack
- SoftBank
- PayPal
For me these companies need to be reprimanded for promoting domestic terrorism. Never give money to a cause that promotes the violent destruction of property and people!
Eric, “Me so ******”, “Love you long time”!
God, November redemption can’t come fast enough!
Careful though, DHS is watching closely now.
Quick word to Hillary’s friend Putin; don’t threaten with the nuclear option, you’ve had them since 1947. Have the Russians ever used one? We have!!
I probably should write a book, non-fiction entitled ‘Nothing to See Here”.
– Eric Fartwell trades top secret information to Communist Chinese whore in exchange for sex.
– Diane Feinstein hires Communist Chinese Spy as her personal chauffeur for more than a decade.
– Hillary Clinton hires a UK spy to deliver a fake dossier to the FBI claiming that Donald Trump is a Russian Spy because she lost the election.
– Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ignores pleas for the lives of foreign diplomats who are attacked in Benghazi, turns out that the Clintons were selling influence to Islamic countries thru contributions to their supposed foundation, money that the Clintons were using to fund their lavish lifestyles. They weren’t about to fight islamic militants, the money would have stopped flowing to their foundation!
– Joe Biden and Hunter Biden have received 10s of millions from both the Chinese government and Russia and Ukraine while he was V.P. in exchange for favors. It’s known as Treason.
– Joe Biden ignores the crisis at our Southern borders because that’s the only way for Democrats to replace all the voters leaving their Party.
The list of “Nothing to see here” never ends!
Good point! Personally I would be very worried that something put together in 1947 wouldn’t backfire. Maybe Putin should test one of those antique nukes? Hilarious!