~ The World According to Joe ~

~ The World According to Joe ~

How would you like to wake up in the morning and be this stupid? No seriously, you went to bed the night before and you were your normal self. Then suddenly, you wake up the next morning and you’re dumber than shit! Just like Joe, wouldn’t that suck? We’re talking about a stupidity level so dense that no diaper can clean that up.

Now we are faced with “The World According to Diaper Joe” –
Joe gets on national television claiming that the root cause of inflation in U.S. food and energy prices is that our American providers of these goods and services are “price gouging”. Can you believe the idiocy level in that statement, along with the imbeciles that voted this piece of total shit into our highest office? Then Joe tells America that we can eradicate China-Born Covid, that it will not stick around. Well, we’ve seen the original morph into three different generations inside 24 months. So again, not certain where Diaper Joe has been hiding because his statement claim is just not born in reality. He’s been wrong on every opinion thus far and it looks as if his losing streak will remain unbroken? Even when he teamed up with Barack Obama for eight years, he wasn’t any good… Joe had Obama cringing on quite a few occasions.

How about sidekick, Kamala? She’s competing for an idiocy award also. She gets on national television to announce that the anniversary of January 6, 2021, was an attempted overthrow of the Federal Government and a date that will live in “infamy”? So she claims, just like of Pearl Harbor (1941) and the Islamic Terrorist Attack of 9/11/2001? Are you serious? Does she not know how many thousands of military personnel we lost when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor? How many thousands of people that were killed when Al-Qaeda attacked the Twin Towers? How many thousands of U.S. soldiers were lost in the subsequent World War II campaign and the Iraqi and Afghansitan Wars? Does she not understand that the only person killed on January 6, 2021 in the Capitol was an error made by a Capitol Policeman working for Nancy Pelosi? His identity has been mostly protected by Pelosi and her Leftist Socialist ilk, though that same Police Officer should have been prosecuted for murder. Afterall, he shot an innocent unarmed female!

I fear for all of us as these are the two dumbest SOB’s known to mankind now running our country… here we sit frozen in fear from a situation that could have been easily avoided. We need to educate voters before they go to the polls. We need to disband Commie News Network (CNN) altogether, along with MSNBC and ABC News as violations of communications laws. All they are is fake news. We need to make mandatory classes in Modern-era American History and Economics before anyone can graduate high school. We need to eradicate the notion that somehow Socialism is the answer for anything good in society. We need to expose Carl Marx and his Communist ideas as nothing but the failures they always were throughout history and to any region where they were adopted. We need to get the lies off television, lock-up any media members promoting lies and make certain that reality and truthfulness gets a say in everything before propaganda and lies distort the truth. Any politician promoting lies thru the media needs to face prosecution. We need to return to reality and truthfulness in educating our young people. These actions will give everyone the best chance for success and our nation will prosper without the need to ever call on an idiot to serve in government again.

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Gary Hoffman
3 years ago

I would urge anybody to take Victor DAvid Hanson’s numerous online courses free from Hillsdale college who want to learn real American history and other useful smart stuff . His course on ww2 is particurily good but all his and they other courses offered by Hiilsdale are great . All of them free . Also Hillsdale take no goverment grants and or aid from any state or federal agencies or government. One of the few they teach constitution also one of the online courses also offered free .

Jeff Page
3 years ago

Liberals have no clue how to balance a checkbook. Their plan has always been to borrow themselves out of debt, which as those with a single cell between their ears know doesn’t work. Failures by this administration abound.
1) Failure to control the border.
2) Afghanistan.
3) H1N1
4) Imaginary infrastructure bill, a wish list for socialists.
5) Inflation.
6) If it’s not Trump’s fault, it’s racism.
7) Rampant crime in blue cities.
8) An education system that is controlled by unions, not parents.
9) Defund the police, act suprised with the outcome.
10) Vaccinate the military or fire them.
The list goes on, but it’s plain to see the level of turd matter accumulating. Doomsday for democracy started the day Uncle Joe was elected by the Chardonnay moms that religiously watch The View. Sotomayor is a disgrace.