The Ultimate in “Sell-in-May-and-Go-Away’s”?

The Ultimate in “Sell-in-May-and-Go-Away’s”?

This old adage has its roots in the London Financial District, it was not an American construct. However, American investors have borrowed, adopted the notion across the pond over time simply because it has been known to be [somewhat] effective. Statistically and over time this old adage has worked, [with some exceptions as nothing is 100%]. The fact is that observations suggest that the U.S. stock market will tend to have an upward bias during the period between November to April. Conversely, the U.S. stock market has exhibited more weakness and downside volatility during the period between May to say, October. If you were to ask those who do not make their living on Wall Street, “which month of the year is the worst to be long stocks?” They would undoubtedly answer, “October” because a couple high profile stock market crashes happened during the month of October, but this answer is incorrect. By far the worst month over time to own stocks has been the month of September. And still today, market returns during the month of September tend to be weakest here in the United States.

I really believe a confluence of factors come into play that shape the trading days during the Summer months beginning in June and ending through August and September. You have many people, all potential investors and/or financial industry workers who book vacation(s) this time of year which keeps them away from their ordinary office routines/activity. This is one major reason why trading volumes will tend to be lighter during the Summer months which have the effect of exacerbating any downside market volatility. On the contrary, new money flows into stocks tend to be stronger as we approach the end of each year and the beginning of a new one, that can explain some of the stock market’s upward bias during the months of say, November through April.

Looking out on our economy today, we are teetering on a significant slowdown the timing of which is quite compelling for heightened “uncertainty” going forward. And markets hate uncertainty. We have the yield spread on 2-10 year U.S. Treasury securities inverting, a very bad sign for the health of the economy going forward, while at the same time runaway inflation is causing the Federal Reserve to make some very difficult decisions – how to raise interest rates in a slowing economy. The fact is, the Federal Reserve is way, way behind the curve on hiking interest rates in this country. They still have short-term interest rates set @ nearly zero while inflationary pressures are running hot; U.S. inflation is arguably growing at a clip of 10% annually. Add all this to a President and Vice President that can’t speak or articulate a sentence past the 3rd grade level and God I’m so thankful that I don’t have to make investment decisions for others anymore… and if I’ve ever witnessed a “Sell in May and Go Away”, it’s this one!

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

Inverted by my mark of 03/29/2022, worsened and is back to flat. Going back to flat, in and of itself means nothing. After Brainard’s hawkish comments the bond market went haywire, extreme volatility ruled.
USD 99.60
EURO 110.77
2. Year 2.5816%
10 Year 2.612%
30 Year 2.629%
Mark 04/06/2022 01:00 CDT
Fed March minutes set for release on
04/06/2022 13:00 CDT.
The setup was today, when Brainard spoke hawkish leaving no room for an exit. As you know, Brainard is a dove to all doves and is soon to be vice-chairman.
I put in the dollar/euro as the dollar continues to strengthen. This does not bode well as a strong dollar will meet rising rates by the ECB and BoE after historic inflation was reported in the Eurozone just last week. Lagarde will have to fight hard to tame inflation by raising against Powell.
Is the setup for a showdown to slow inflationary pressures? Yes, inflation must be fought by both major economies and both need strong currencies to help get inflation under control.
Demand destruction is slowly beginning as Americans start moving towards necessities like food, water, energy and healthcare. All other purchases like transportation, clothing, dental care…
are being put off to the future. Sorry honey, no new Prom dress for you. We will begin to see families suffer and the underserved in banking take on high interest loans. The elderly, the poor and the disabled will, as in all cases bare the brunt of degrading leftist socialism. Markets will tumble, be prepared! This was Biden created, not Putin.
Pat yourself on the back if you voted for Biden/Harris, your killing in America and Ukraine is almost complete. Just a few pounds more of Fentanyl brought by illegals across our former boarder and your job will be complete.
I’ll leave you with some powerful, brilliant words spoken by Maxine Waters as she was addressing a group of homeless; “just go home”!