And I’ll be damned if we’re ever returning to it.
So all you Mark Zuckerbergs out there censoring users/employees and pushing WOKE DEI agendas? You are gone, gone, gone! You and your shit are about to leave town permanently! As a business owner in these United States the very first thing you need to understand is that you cannot censor free speech because if and when you do that’s when your business begins failing.
I have a story for you.
I retired from one of the four major banks in this country. I went into the retirement portal two years prior and once my book of business was firmly in the capable hands of another money manager [two years later], my commitments were coming to a close. Busy enjoying my new retired status I was playing golf and getting some travel in when I received an email from the Managing Director. He was reaching out to say he wanted to meet me for lunch and soon? I was fine with it but really hadn’t much interaction with him [ever] so I was more interested in, why me? Why does he want to have a lunch meeting with me at all? As the lunch was winding down I was curious so I asked him, “why did you want to meet with me, is there something on your mind?” He went on to say that should I need anything let him and his team know. Then he asked me what I thought about the direction of the bank and the firm and the current management team. Now I knew why he called the meeting, he wanted to pick my brain on my attitude toward the firm and his management team since I was leaving.
This is what I said to him, and please keep in mind that this was back in May/June of 2021 – “I’m very concerned about the impacts of this new DEI, WOKE agenda and how that is going to impact the success of businesses and the quality of financial advice going forward. Anytime you create hiring agendas based on someone’s race, gender, and/or sexual orientation instead of solely focusing on their ability to perform a given task it can destroy a business enterprise. So I’m very concerned.” He pushed back, disagreeing with me saying he sees no harm in their new [more diverse] hiring practices.
Fast forward to see where we are today [January 2025].
The Devilcrat Party just lost a Presidential election where they placed a pure DEI hire, Kamala Harris, up against a Republican candidate who is seriously qualified for the Presidency. Across the country there are numerous examples of WOKE employees and their DEI departments now going bye-bye. See ya fuckfaces! LMBO! How anyone could have thought that this was going to fly, going to be sustainable and permanent in this country is well, just ignorant beyond repair. This country was founded by handfuls of people who were fleeing censorship and if you don’t believe me go back to grade school! It was way before high school when I became aware of who formed this country in the first place, [probably back in the 4th of 5th grade]? Now for a few years we had grown people across America, [most of them are mentally ill], who were trying to reinvent this country into something it is not, never was, and never will be… I don’t think so Devilcrat!
We need to permanently ban any business enterprise
That even attempts to enforce censorship and/or practices WOKE DEI policies. Ban them permanently! We need to have zero tolerance for this type of activity. For example, I deleted my Facebook account in December 2021 as soon as my site launched. All because of censorship, never to return again no matter what is implemented – the damage is done! My bans are permanent, no matter of future name changes like Facebook to Meta or Twitter to X, or management changes, all this does not matter when I decide to ban an enterprise. This is the only cure for what ails in a world of censoring. I would advise any business that is considering this mental exercise “don’t do it unless you are prepared to face some serious setbacks including shrinking your business.” We’re still early on in this new cycle [as a country] of burning DEI WOKE policies to the ground, ashes. We’re probably only in the 1st or 2nd inning of this movement, wait and see as there are way more heads that are going to roll across major enterprises. And I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ll be laughing my ass off with “I told you so’s” for a very, very long time!
Tar-Gay? I haven’t walked into a Target store in 20 years, just after they announced that Men could use Women’s bathrooms inside their stores. Permanently banned now!
Facebook/Meta and all enterprises owned by Mark Zuckerberg such as Instagram, WhatsApp etc.? Permanently banned after periodically censoring me over a few years as a Facebook user.
Twitter/X? I was never on this social media site but they are banned permanently as well for censoring users.
Does any other organization want to try this? Permanent bans are the only answer for those that censor our free speech. There are a ton of social media sites out there and I’m enjoying three different ones at this time on top of having my own site with no censoring whatsoever, the subject never even comes up. You can block people on these sites if you want and I may have been blocked by some others. I certainly have blocked many on social media sites myself. But sitewide censorship of free speech? Never tolerate it!
Be aware, X is owned by a free speaker named Elon Musk, it’s #1 in our bill of rights. DEI is dead, the clowns and transformers tried to shove it down our throats! Companies are jumping ship! A little article I’m reading
You’re right. Because X was Twitter and [at one time] the mother of all social media censoring Leftists. I will never go on X/Twitter no matter who owns it. Besides I was almost fired because of what someone did to me on Twitter. You probably remember I posted that story on here a while back, if not look it up. I have lifetime bans on stupidity, that’s the only way to deal with Devilcrats.