The U.S. “Bolshevik” Experiment is Officially Over!

The U.S. “Bolshevik” Experiment is Officially Over!

All you Socialists out there turn in your badges. In fact, turn in your Russian Fez’s too, we’ll be taking those up for a group burning. Have you noticed there’s a sea-change-a-coming in what American’s want? I have. The Socialist (Democrats) movement that some thought naively would save us from ourselves did everything but that as conditions just kept on deteriorating, until “worse-ever” stacked on top of “god-awful” to make things well more “deplorable” than ever imagined, while all along the oligarchs of tech and media along with some really incompetent Democrats chipped away at our personal freedoms. Can anyone deny this truth? During our search for “Americana” the last thing we really needed along our individual journeys were these idiotic Socialist-style “Nannys” telling us how to think, what to say and what to do. Instead, we are waking up as a nation now and discovering that the 1960’s freedom revolution? Wasn’t all that bad. But had we peaked back then as a generation? I surely hope not. This imported Democrat brand of Socialism attempts to brand us, to define us today 24/7 through their ignorance while employing the media to constantly hammer home their consistently backward message(s).

During this journey we are finding out what the country’s founders realized way back in the late 1700’s – the fundamental right to be free and pursue our individual “happinesses” is actually Nirvana. Being free to think on our own without government interference is what it means to lead a fundamentally sane life. There’s nothing about a Democrat that meets this sanity hurdle. Now that we have come to understand this, it’s better late than never I suppose.

Do Socialists understand that they are not deities? They’re not Gods. Do they understand that when they take an oath to serve the public that at the same time the public does not take an oath to serve them? Do they know they exist only to serve us, their constituents? I don’t think they do! Socialists are not allowed to control our health decisions, or our career decisions or our religious preferences. Do they understand that our money is not their money? And our property is not their property? Our children are not their children? Do they understand all these things? I don’t think they do. Maybe if Socialists went to school they would learn some things? What if Socialism required an education first in order for one to become a practicing Socialist? There wouldn’t be any more Socialists! 🙂

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Jeff Page
3 years ago

Thank God November is rapidly approaching. I’m ready to rejoice with America! To liberals, I won’t be in your face, gloating about victory. Oh, who am I trying to kid… LOL!

Jeff Page
3 years ago

It requires an education to become a socialist. Capitalism and Free to choose are always marked off the syllabus. Why?
Socialist thinking has been around for 150+ years. What do you stand to lose but your chains (Marx)? Workers of the world unite! What do we find now? Workers uniting in Canada, attempting to break the chains of government control.
Trudeau is hiding, he has leftist here following the political science. Freedom is truly for the greater good, just not their greater good of increased power and control.