A Case of Mistaken Identity: “User-Friendly” Communism?

A Case of Mistaken Identity: “User-Friendly” Communism?

When a strange dog approaches you on the street, you may be wondering is it “friend” or “foe”? Especially before you extend your hand out, or at least this kind of attitude was once found to be a “best practice” on confronting a stranger. Not so with today’s “communists”. I’m here to say that communism and its communists have gone maintsream like never before. What changed? Are Americans a different people than we were say, back in the “Cold War” days of 1970’s? Did we forget about the evils and destruction of Communism? Looks as if we have.

Once again, this is something that has not/is not receiving near enough press out there so I want to talk about this in hopes that [at least] some of us can be forewarned and wake up to “reality”. You will hear very little in the media surrounding the subject of how and why Americans and American business leaders have embraced Communists and their Communism. Are Commies less “communist” these days, or has our tolerance for the evils of [everything] communism changed? Which is it? I think I found an answer –

Explained: It appears to me that the whole situation evolved out of the fact that “modern” Communist Dictatorships have had to tweak their communist ways, or at minimum, the ways in which they deliver their dreaded communism has changed. The post-modern Chinese and Russian leadership models are the best examples of this change. These two regimes have realized that they can still use smoke and mirrors, control the information coming out of their countries (so control the press), use technology and automation as a means of production, all the while opening trade avenues with non-communist countries, and still allow some free enterprise capitalism into and out of their borders, and lastly given all this, still maintain control over their borders and their populace. These are the “new” communist models in which China and Russia have adopted so successfully over the past few decades. They basically had to allow some free enterprise, or at least the appearance thereof, just to survive. Otherwise, the regime would go down in the absence of a plan to include more open commerce, you know, so people can eat? Plus they avoid a ton of uprisings and possible coup attempts to overthrow the illegitimate regime they once built. The Chinese model includes seeking political influences inside countries they deal with as a way to better safeguard their political and economic interests. And neither China nor Russia are above conducting bribes, blackmail, and espionage on our leaders in Washington as a means of “insuring” that their interests and goals be met.

How during these past several decades have these communists infiltrated our largest institutions? Answer: They met American business at the core of their being with the promise of opening up “new opportunities for profitability”. These offers have blinded our politicos in Washington just as it has blinded the leaders of most American corporations. Follow me on this concept, so somehow a few communists are bad but the promise of opening up an entire country containing an endless amount [of the same flavored] communists is a major new opportunity? See how little sense this makes? All I’ve heard over the past decade is how many communists, potential new customers are out there just waiting on American products and services. But they’re all communists! But somehow this “fact” doesn’t matter. No, what matters most is that there are a few billion communists that don’t have what you’re making [yet] and that alone is the reason why we must embrace and tolerate communist countries and their ruthless leaders and even consider them prospects today. Again, somehow billions of communist customers are better – more user-friendly, than the few hundred ruthless communists running the evil regimes of these same intolerable countries? The entire idea is ludicrous! Have our business leaders lost their minds? Communist regimes decide who will and who will not be provided important things like food and money, things basic to human survival itself. But now we can turn these into our best “customers”? LMAO!

The problem is that underneath the appearance of free and open commerce, and a friendly exchange between each foreign entity lies a covert, intolerant and evil regime. A communist regime set on controling their destiny and their own people [at all costs] without any desire to dilute that control. What we need to do in turn is to address this fact in all dealings with them going forward, at both the public policy level as well as step up the effort to educate Americans. There is nothing redeemable about a communist, nothing but disaster lies ahead for those welcoming the evils of communism, a fact that has survived the test of time. Communism never has worked, and thus will never be a sustainable form of government. Don’t be fooled, the only reason for the delay of fortune for these countries is the fact that they have evolved to a more modern “hybrid” model of communism. One that allows just enough freedoms for them to give the appearance of a reformed and open government “of the people, by the people” when nothing can be further from the truth.

When are our corporate leaders going to face the error of their ways and abandon the aiding and abetting of communist regimes? The only way to change the future course of America and keep us safe against our enemies is to disallow open trade with communist regimes. American industry must stop feeding the monster, instead starve them out of power… which is what President Ronald Reagan did so well!

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Will Healy
3 years ago

They’ve gone authoritarian for sure. I was reading today that most Democrats support what Justin Trudeau did in Canada whereas most Independents and Republicans oppose it. That basically means Ds believe that mass murderers are entitled to due process, but the anti-woke are not.

Jeff Page
3 years ago

The revisionist have made a kinder, gentler communism, forgetting Stallin and what he did to his own people. Our founding fathers are hated by anti american zealots who believe in communism and genocide, these same sad sacks revere Hitler and Marxism and the death of 6 million Jews. American business and anti Americans are complicit.