Something’s Way Wrong [Out There]

Something’s Way Wrong [Out There]

I keep asking myself, which part of “ugly” do I not understand? But then I stop myself to contemplate that the opposite side of ugly is only “pretty”. I know that people can paint a pretty picture while on the inside some very ugly things are going on – I know that’s right. The problem is that I still have this pervasive feeling that we’re not on the pretty side of ugly yet, we remain on the ugly side of ugly. And I fear it could get uglier than we ever imagined, it’s just my gut feeling… hard to explain, but pervasive all the same.

The Biden’s and co. holding hostage our White House and Congress are like the second coming of Jim Jones of Guyana fame, mixing their Kool-Aid for distribution. These creeps are trying to paint a picture of everything being under control while underneath the surface, our ship is going down. When will this country reach the full realization of the trouble we’re in, the harm these Democrats are doing to our position in the world, not to mention our once great economy? When?

Every important office is now manned by the worst, most incompetents imaginable, all wrapped up inside their little fantasies, trying to sell us into thinking that if we focused only on “climate change” and “racism”, we could somehow regain our position as the world’s Superpower. All this while they slowly destroy us from the inside including everything we built prior with their Socialist mantras and programs.

What I’m thinking is that the Democrats have put the entire country inside a time bomb, set to detonate at any time. I look out at our financial markets as a backdrop, and all seems calm [enough] while inside our borders violence is rocking our major cities where crime has doubled, maybe even tripled during their short watch over things and U.S. inflation escalates to 40-year highs. On the other side of the world, China is in bed with Russia – their common bond being to cripple U.S. power seems to be succeeding at this writing. North Korea is acting up as usual. Al Qaeda and the Taliban are thriving again and even crossing into the United States through the Democrat’s open border policies, unabated. All the while nothing but lies come out about the State of our Union. Nothing but lies prevail from the Leftist pundits in Washington and most media outlets… it’s nothing but lies 24/7!

We haven’t seen the end of this ugliness. In fact, we’re still in the beginning phases in my mind. So this is a warning message for what could eventually happen here. I’m not certain “what” that is, or means, but something is telling me that it’s most likely going to get uglier before it gets better. Uglier than a Communist Chinese virus ever thought about being. So just a “heads-up”, a thing so ugly even a grandmother couldn’t love it. 😉

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Jeff Page
3 years ago

This is a forward looking statement:
Israel will strike Iran, Iran is $30B richer thanks to Joe unfreezing assets. Acting in good faith?
N. Korea will continue testing ICBMs and have a nuclear arsenal with the ability to deliver.
China will move on Taiwan, due to racism and climate change. Joe will capitulate, calling for more equity across other Asian countries and a return of Pol Pot type leadership to show diversity.
After November liberals will begin questioning other liberals about their true liberalism and blame the Russians and Trump for so many conservatives being elected. Liberals will lose the remainder of their collective minds.
Looks very pretty to liberals…