So You Got Reasons?

So You Got Reasons?

You Gonna Give Me Reasons?!
I borrowed this infamous line from the movie “Jackie Brown”. When Samuel L. Jackson questioned Robert DeNiro upon discovering that $50k of his money was missing things got kind of ugly between the two. If you haven’t seen “Jackie Brown” it’s probably the best movie depiction of a criminal mind I’ve ever seen; I would definitely give this movie more than 4 out of 5 stars – a must see!

Back to Reality
Fast-forwarding to today and I see an eerie resemblance playing out here. Samuel L. Jackson was right all along – we’re caught up in a world full of reasons, there are reasons on top of reasons as to why we need this or that. Have you noticed this phenomenon as well? It all comes at a time when the truth is we really don’t need this or that, not at all! Crypto currencies fall into this category [for me], as do mandatory EV’s and now this frantic push by tech oligarchs to promote Artificial Intelligence [A.I.]. Somehow these things have become the media’s “promised land” out there. Stack it on top of something else that’s never ever delivered [nor added up], that of “Climate Change” and initiatives around shaming those in the name of “Climate Change”. I do not believe any of these agendas are necessary to live a very long and peaceful life in America today. These techy Leftist concepts have been around in one form or another for quite some time now, especially A.I. And the sum total of all of them upon our society [?] The totality of all the Leftist agendas [from now to eternity] remains at or near zero, especially “Climate Change”! Which has proven to be nothing but crap! It’s like saying, “how about we spend $10 Trillion Dollars to lower the global temperature by 1/2 of 1 degree Fahrenheit within the next 100 years?”… and still no guarantee though. My response has always been, “Great Idea Dumbass.” LMAO! My God, the stupidity emitting from the Left in our society has reached astounding levels!

On Machine Learning
I wrote a paper on A.I. a long time ago, back in college. You may be wondering yourself, can machines learn? The answer is Yes and No. Machines have been in manufacturing processes for 100 years. Machines can store, stack, and even sort information 24 hours a day. Machines do certain things well but can they reason, do machines have the ability to reason? That was the $64,000 question before the Biden Crime Family inflation turned it into the $128,000 question, in just 4 short years! The answer remains a simple and definitive “No”. God gave men and women the unique ability to reason as well as store, stack and sort information. So if you’re talking about machines learning things on their own because they have the ability to reason, relate and differentiate subtleties of factual information then the answer remains no, electronic machines and software will never possess that ability. The human ability to feel empathy for anything is one aspect of reasoning. You can’t program human feelings, you can fake it and machines can fake it given some software trigger or coding with an if/then logic sequence but it is never delivered genuinely, personally and heartfelt in the absence of an old-fashioned organic brain and wonderful heart. I would refer to this as being handicapped, blind to the real world, that same world in which we must function in daily. Let me take my argument to the next level, A.I. driven machines will especially fail once there’s a profit motive implanted in their programming – DING, DING, DING! I hope that woke you up, humans can smell a profit motive miles away! 🙂

On Human Reasoning
I found this material on google on the subject of human reasoning – “The ability to reason is the mental process of using logic to draw conclusions, solve problems, and make decisions based on evidence.”
“Reasoning is a [uniquely] human ability that’s associated with activities like science, philosophy, art, language, and mathematics. It involves using existing knowledge to generate new knowledge, and it’s a way of thinking that moves from one idea to another. Some capabilities of reasoning include:
Empathy: Understanding another person’s beliefs, motivations, and way of thinking.
Synthesis: Making connections between seemingly disparate parts
Sensemaking: Turning those connections into a coherent vision
Creation: Imagining new possibilities”

When we empathize with someone or even animals it is an intimate way of connecting with them and sharing their experience(s) and supporting them through good times and bad. Software and machines cannot practice empathy because they do not possess these feelings.

Even Today’s Machines Concur
So here we have yet another promise from this far-left class of tech oligarchs. Have you seen enough yet? These leftists in our society simply cannot decipher the differences between reality and their partly-line rhetoric. One thing that I continuously notice about these idiots is that Utopia is always “right around the corner”! Let me share why I suspect they are so giddy about their A.I. push – most of these things they come up with are about selling more advertisements and/or widgets to targeted audiences, LEGALLY. Plus, where do you think these newfangled A.I. packages are going to get information? From you and me – real walking talking people and that means of course they will be plagiarizing the entirety of educated individuals, stealing the intellect it’s taken centuries to acquire and deliver it for profit sake. How long can these tech oligarchs ride this particular wave of promise and how long before investors discover this is yet another dead end? No one can be certain, however, one recent event might provide a clue. Google announced last week that they have released their ChatGPT [Google’s A.I engine & chatbot] out for public use, now free-of-charge… LMAO!

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Jeff Page
4 months ago

Okay, I’m still laughing at the $64,000 question being appropriately indexed for inflation to $128,000 (truth!) A.I. is scary as hell, Baldwin plugged in some information and ended up with a news piece, an interview with a lady asking questions to another fake guy. To real for me and for the most part, shows me a future I want no part of. Critical thinking must be a human domain.