Shlimp Flied Lice!

Shlimp Flied Lice!

What, you no likey flied lice? Whatz Long Wit Chu?!
It’s what’s for dinner around here tonight, so eat up as we all have to keep up our strength. There’s a ton of Communists in this world and they’re after each one of us. I’m still running from Communism myself, the only difference being their Gulags are not far away anymore, these assholes are inside our borders today and all over Washington, D.C. as well. You can thank the Devilcrats for that.

Isn’t it Funny
How when someone or some country turns to Communism [as a fix from what ails] they never stop there, they are compelled to spread their misery all over other places as well. For a Commie as well as a Devilcrat everything becomes their way or the highway! Why is that? Is it because misery loves company? Must be, what I’m thinking. The bottom line is whether you’re studying Communism in Asia, Eastern Europe or in the Western Hemisphere all Commies do have one thing in common with free countries. None of these governments make anything – whether they call themselves Republics, Democracies, Dictatorships, or Socialists none of them produce anything. Sure, they want to act and believe that they “make something” but the fact of the matter is that government doesn’t produce anything, not even a single Chinese Flied Lice Dinner! When governments take complete control of private enterprise or even intercede by over-regulating businesses [as we have witnessed under the Biden Crime Family Administration] this official act takes all of the incentives away from producers and their innovative products/services. So they always end up with a scarcity of goods and services and some really HIGH PRICES! This is especially prevalent in shithole countries.

Later on These Same Communists
Are found walking around wondering why there’s no innovation in their territories? LMAO! Why get out of bed in the morning if you can’t innovate or own anything? Everything belongs to the state, so why bother about anything right? Pitch a homeless tent in San Francisco and call it a day, no a week, no call it a month, no call it a year or even a lifetime! LMAO! These aren’t “best kept” secrets of economics, they’re in every book ever published by any “distinguished” Western Economist. Obviously some of these folks got out of school, joined the Devilcrat Party and ignored everything they learned about micro and macro economics. That’s the only way to live in America today as a practicing Socialist or a Devilcrat [same thing]. Socialist/Communist rule number one: forget everything you learned about free enterprise economics and government overreach.

It’s True, Communist Countries Don’t Produce Anything on Their Own
So they turn to stealing from countries that do incentivize labor. That’s where they get all their ideas for anything, Communist China has been practicing corporate theft for 100 years; all stolen from the West – information, plans, prototypes, innovations in weaponry and technology, advancements in medicine, etc. Steal! Steal! Steal! They have nothing grown organically [not even a Fauci killer virus], and they never will have anything of significance to contribute to mankind because the government won’t allow true free enterprise innovation to take place. Truth be told, they probably even stole the original recipe for Shlimp Flied Lice! 🙂

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1 month ago

My parents were trapped inside USSR during WW2…raised me to be most anticommunist woman in country

Jeff Page
2 months ago

Laughing and crying at the same time. Imagine, you wake up some morning and you have no chance at becoming a Rockefeller, Vanderbilt or Musk; how disparaging would life become? Freedom of thought has been taken away, leaving you a mere subject of the state of oligarchs. This is why Trump won bigly! Our freedom returns tomorrow and I can only thank God! Give the people freedom to create their own outcome, don’t guarantee success as some will fail. Those that fail in a free society will will often get up, dust off their pants and learn to be successful in another area. Many thanks and blessings to a free America, a land that will be the leader of innovation, growth and prosperity again. MAGA!

2 months ago
Reply to  Jeff Page

Exactly! Get back up and try, try again. Never ever give up in a free America. Almost no start-ups make it the first time. All these heroes we see who make it big kept coming back after a setback, they never gave up.There’s a message in any setback, learn from the message, go forward.