Russian Vodka Won’t Cure U.S. Growth Stocks

Russian Vodka Won’t Cure U.S. Growth Stocks

I was quite surprised to see how U.S. financial markets recovered before the close today. U.S. markets opened quite ugly this morning on the news that Putin officially gave the go ahead for his army to invade Ukraine. It was expected. I mean the Russians were even erecting field hospitals right around the Ukraine border, not to mention parking 190,000 Russian troops. So I woke up to find our markets were way, way down this morning only to recover and finish in the green? Wait, I thought you guys were worried about Russian aggression and cyber attacks and bombs and the Ukrainian people. What changed between 8:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. Central time? I’m hear to say that nothing changed, except for the tape.

There are many reasons why Vladimir Putin wanted Ukraine just like he wanted Crimea seven years ago. He wants to re-install a puppet in the Ukrainian government then control and expand his energy infrastructure across the region. He has established Russia’s commodity-based economy as an essential oil and gas supplier to Western Europe and he will now have control of ports and river routes through [Crimea and now] Ukraine. I thought we were worried about all that? Well, I guess you were until around 2 p.m. today and turns out, that sort of stuff doesn’t matter to investors. Our President Biden and the Democrats are the entire reason this attack has unfolded, they destroyed America’s ability to export natural gas to Western Europe welcoming in Putin to supply Western Europe with energy needs. While at the same time Biden and the Democrats crippled America’s oil and gas industry (by choosing Russian gas over American exports) all in a single day, his first day in office. How good was that decision? What a total brainless dumbass Biden is!

Where’s all this going? I found it funny how tech stocks and Bitcoins soared back in the final hours of today’s trading – absolutely soared back! I know why, there’s enough market pundits out there that somehow believe that the Federal Reserve is out of the picture now? I find their logic completely flawed. However, some apparently believe that there’s no way our Federal Reserve [full of Leftist Progressives] is going to raise rates now that the markets have roiled [temporarily] over Communist Russia’s latest aggressive move. No way they thought, so they took to buying back all those techy stock names. I think they’ve forgotten something big here – what Russia does or doesn’t do will not solve America’s runaway inflation problem along with the host of other problems now that we have incompetents running our country from every level of political office. It’s a problem that we own now, and it’s not going anywhere until our Federal Reserve has a “come to Jesus” dose of reality and begins to deal with it. You see, nothing has changed. These markets aren’t upset over a communist, we have communists in our own government here at home. They were upset until 2 p.m. today because the Federal Reserve is going to have to implement a program known as “Monetary Tightening” to squash inflationary pressures. In other words, a ton of American assets are about to be repriced. And there’s absolutely no way around it, we must embark on a program to raise interest rates and reverse the supply of money. Delaying the inevitable does not make the issue go away, and frankly it makes zero sense to put this off any longer. Tightening measures have their consequences sometimes, it has been known to lead to recession… it’s happened before. It all depends on how fast inflation can be brought under control. Either way, it will slow this economy down, and cool off a bunch of stuff that did exceptionally well in the days of free money and zero interest rates. We are in a position known as a “squeeze”, where we have no choice but to bite the bullet. Russian Vodka will prove no cure for what really ails the U.S economy. Therefore, my advice would be to not drink up? 🙂

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Jeff Page
3 years ago

And he needs clothes, to hide the fact he has no balls!

Jeff Page
3 years ago

Weak global demand and geopolitical risks also argue for going slow, Mr Powell said… Wall Street Journal, May 2016.
Janet Yellen, Chairman. Jerome Powell, Fed Governor.
In 2018, while hiking rates and cleaning up the balance sheet “geopolitical risk” was rediscovered as America through it’s taper tantrum. China began to soften the Fed’s hawkish stance. What wasn’t known was the economy was already slowing and peak trough was Q4, 2019 and marked February 2020 by NERB. Strange, you can hide a lot of trash under a rug of free money.
“Fed must navigate geopolitical uncertainty going forward.”
Fed member Mary Daly, tweet 02/24/2022. Rally on! Happy days are here again, FREE MONEY, YIPPY!
Time to open that fruity spirit made from potato.
~Hangovers are a bitch~
Yes, sobering up after a weekend of fine potato hurts. One must be sober to proceed along the path of blissful ignorance. Who in their right mind would want to know that they’re looking down the barrel of a 1/2 point raise by the Fed?
~Reality Bites~
Indeed, it does and it’s not a soft landing spot but, it must be aimed for. We are already slowing in this rapid business cycle, people are putting off major purchases. The conference board consumer sentiment index came in at 113.8 (1985=100), the lowest level in a decade (January 2022). Sorry, we have to raise rates into a downturn and begin cleaning up the man made mess.
~What’s in a number~
To be more precise, the number 232,000,000; what does it represent to you? To me, it represents the funding for a dictator to wage war against it’s neighbor. That’s the number of barrels of oil imported under Biden from Russia. Dead Ukrainians lay at the feet of those who voted for Biden/Harris. I would like to deliver the body of a lifeless Ukranian father to your feet and have you deliver the father to the feet of his 5 year old daughter and to explain why you funded his death. You did it by your vote, you probably feel good about yourself. John Kerry-Climate I hope is next. The lions are hungry.