Everyone is asking the [same] question it seems. Are you one of the 100s of millions of Americans contemplating whether or not the U.S. Economy is now in a Recession? I’ll answer that question with the following News Report from today: “People are robbing Dollar Stores now!” LMAO! Just think about that, things so bad around the house that you’re compelled to rob a Dollar Store. Seriously? Everything in there is but one dollar plus 50 cents these days [given Inflationary Joe’s White House], and still, some of you can walk into a Dollar Store and sense real “value” located within their four walls? We’re not talking about the usual suspects here, the luxury retailers such as Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom’s or Tiffany’s, no, we’re talking about finding overwhelming value in a “Dollar Store” instead. Can you relate to that? If you answered “yes” then you are truly a victim of Inflationary Joe’s Socialist Policies and that is so sad.
Still, one is compelled to ask the question, “what kind of people have trouble affording a Dollar Store’s merchandise and must steal it instead?” Maybe the same people that have trouble operating within this new Inflationary Socialist Regime? I’m having difficulty daily imagining something as terrible as being associated with the Biden Crime Family, and then having to rely on any of these “Dollar Stores”, for anything-at-all. All I can say is that being a Democrat will be one ugly way to spend your final days within the borders of what was once known as “The Greatest Country in the World”! 😉
U.S. Recession or Not?

Great for bachelors, right sized packages, not a family place or for those requiring 5 gallon buckets of Palmolive. Seriously, could you steal $949 worth of crap from there in San Francisco? Back up the truck!
Yes, I have a real need for a kitchen spatula that doesn’t make it even once out of the dishwasher. Everything in there came over from China. The difference is that all these kitchen things were made by Chinese hungover on Japanese Saki. These aren’t your top of the line Communists, these are the bottom of the barrel in Communist manufacturers selling in all these Dollar Stores over here… watch the Lead content everyone! LMAO!