Opening Initial First Inaugural Kick Off Kick Ass Edition!

Opening Initial First Inaugural Kick Off Kick Ass Edition!

For a very special Holiday treat, I thought I would kick off with some cheery Christmas tunes that y’all can sing around the fire while roasting your chestnuts.  C’mon man – get with it:

(To The Tune Frosty the Snowman)

Joe’s got dementia
As down the country goes
He used all his might to get nothing right
And Kamala really blows

Joe’s got dementia
And it is getting worse
He is full of crap and needs a nap
Is Dr. Jill his nurse?

There is nothing in his cranium
That anybody’s found
Except some frozen custard treats
And he tends to turn around


Joe’s got dementia
It’s so easy to see
By anyone with half a brain
‘Cept CNN and MSNBC

Afghanistan and all the rest
Dems get everything so wrong
But we can all vote them out
If we hang together strong

Joe’s got dementia
I really hate to say
He makes a stink and I do think
No diaper change today!

(To the Tune Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer)

You know Donald, Melania, Karen and Mike
And MAGA and patriots – a country to like
But can you believe it?
How quickly it went to shit?

Liberals – brainless wonders
Don’t now know what to think
The man they put in office
He crapped out quite a stink

All of the other voters
Cringe as they wonder why
How this guy made the White House
Was our election just a lie?

Then to make the matters worse
Kamala came with him
Suddenly with idiocy
Our future became quite dim


Let’s hope in Twenty Twenty Four
These morons all do leave
Cause if they stay – collectively
I think we’ll have to heave

Maybe we could get things going
November Twenty Twenty Two
By voting out the Evil Empire
Take Congress back for me and you!

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Robert D Ogletree
2 years ago

FUN way to sing out the true state of affairs!

2 years ago

Thanks for reading, and thanks to my Uncle J! 😉

3 years ago
3 years ago

Haha! 😉

Gary Hoffmn
3 years ago

Great poem , all true fact of course Brant T least that’s what I believe !