“Ease of Use” is not contained in the Bible material I read last year, not at all! This concept is definitely not in the cards for true followers of Jesus Christ. Just look what he had to endure during his life here, there wasn’t a ton of smooth sailing, even though he had accomplished much, he also met with constant pushback. And all because he carried a message and led (what I would describe as) a selfless life. Not many humans can reach this kind of perfection in their lives but that’s by design and [the reason] he had to come down here and make a physical appearance, all according to scripture.
So look around you, if your life has run smoothly all the time, could that [in itself] be a bad sign? I mean its certainly not the normal life pattern for a Christian according to several pieces I have read. The apostle John spoke a bunch about the subject of how followers of Christ should expect storms in this life, as it was never meant to be easy for them, or for us:
John 14:27
“Jesus promised, Peace I leave you. My peace I give you. Please understand what Jesus is and is not promising here. He is not promising the absence of a storm. Anyone can be at peace when nothing is wrong. Rather, he promises peace in the midst of a storm. He’s talking about peace in the midst of tribulation – at a time when you shouldn’t have any peace. This, of course, doesn’t come from the world. It’s the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, and guards your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
John 15:2
“… Sometimes God will bring challenges and trials into our lives to enable us to grow in our faith and cast off anything hindering full productivity.”
On the Subject of “Ease of Use”

Don’t worry, I got this~GOD!
Something I lose sight of often. My thoughts are in a different direction today.
How many Golden Calves does the left worship?
Mother earth?
Defunding the police?
A Ukranian Flag? (Latest fad for virtue signaling)
This is the Leftist Cult. How can any Cult be this morally bankrupt? Godless?
You just about covered it there. The pitifulness of the Left. What they want us to believe is that somehow being a Democrat doesn’t make one a Leftist Liberal Woke Socialist, by any other name. They are all of those across the full spectrum, hence there is no distinction for idiocy. And none deserved. Whenever I see or remember one of these fools they encompass all of these horrible attributes. There is no hope for someone who votes for Democrats or even harbors Democrats as close friends… thanks for reading and helping to educate the masses!