This godless world we find ourselves in nowadays is nothing that a nuke or two, or maybe three (?) won’t fix. Does that scare you? It really should [scare all of us], let me explain. I was thinking to myself [which is never a good idea], hah-ha! There’s only two kinds of countries in this world – those that want to live in freedom and prosper with closed borders while honestly producing goods and services for all to own, then there are those that oppress their population while coveting complete control and power by stealing secrets, stealing technology, and stealing processes from others in order to retain said power. It’s a funny thing but people mimic governments, so we are able to place people and governments in only two categories also – there’s your “net” givers and your “net” takers. What “net” takers have a problem understanding is that they will eventually have hell to pay as they bankrupt themselves [in a number of ways]. After all, taking without giving at any level leaves one bankrupt as it’s a bankrupt strategy. Take any communist country, China being a great example [but there are several others]. Everything we hear out of Communist China is a flat-out lie. Like this morning, one news outlet stated that the Chinese communist government is reporting very small rates of growth this year, albeit still positive in the range between .6% to around 1.9%, or something like that. That’s total bullshit! Every piece of news that emanates from a communist regime is a nontruth, let’s get that out of the way first. All news we hear coming from a communist regime is controlled by that illegitimate regime itself. There is no “free” information when the citizens of these countries have zero rights, one of those being “free speech”. That’s lesson number one which is vital to comprehend when one is dealing with anything “born in” China. This is the reason why I have never placed a dime of anyone’s money into a public offering that is based in China. They don’t even have an accounting standards board there. Imagine if we didn’t have FASB or the Europeans didn’t adopt their own version of FASB, what that would be like for analysts [and investors for that matter] trying to determine real corporate profit or loss. It is ludicrous for an American to get involved in anything like this when over here one has to report it all – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, [that would make a good movie title one day]. 🙂 It’s the only way to determine a stock’s intrinsic value, a concept that is indisputable.
This whole Communist thing, sleeping with Communists was a bad idea from the very beginning. The movement toward modernization of this communist cesspool actually began with then Republican President, Richard Nixon, who insisted on signing an agreement to open trade with this piece of third world crap for the very first time. I remember it made the national news back in the very early ’70’s. Somehow the U.S. government decided that by modernizing a 3rd world piece of shit for a country that it would automatically transform their government once they had a taste of the American dollar. Let’s see how that’s worked out for the past five decades. Trade deficits with Communist China grew every year until Donald Trump entered the White House and called this whole “experiment” out for the piece of garbage that it always was as deficits with this particular illegitimate regime climbed to monumental levels unabated, into the $500 billion dollar per year range! Turns out that the American consumer had been funding Communism for four decades! So if you think I’m a fan of our American Communist [enablers] such as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg of FB/Meta I’m anything but [a fan]. How about all of the Democrat Party? They were willing to keep these deficits with China growing with no interruption. Democrats are too stupid to see what can and will destroy our economy over time which has been proven out time and again. They are anti-American souls. In fact, these folks are the ones who elected the current occupier of the White House who had been taking bribes from the Communist Chinese Government for years beginning when he [Biden] served as Vice President. To this day we are still not aware of how much money The Biden Crime Family has received directly from China but evidence shows that it is definitely in the $10s of millions of dollars! Does this scare you? The fact that we do not yet know what the Communist Chinese Government was promised by the Biden Crime Family? Not yet anyway. Well it scares the you-know-what out of me!
So given this backdrop I can kind of see where all this spying and intrigue into what makes Americans tick and undermining American citizens with their TikTok and their fentanyl and their infiltrating the highest levels of our government with whores and money bribes, not to mention the spy balloons and the countless thefts of technology for decades now. I can kind of see where this will end someday. How the whole issue with these Commies is going to sort itself out and it’s not pretty. The last time we used nuclear weapons we ended up owning and rebuilding [Japan]. The Japanese eventually got their act together in many great ways as they’ve grown into a powerhouse of a legitimate country. I think it’s time now to send a correct and lasting message to the Communist Regime of China. It’s past time we established some ground rules such as the most powerful country in the world… Going forward the American Government will nuke any country [without warning] that –
– Captures then refuses to release any active member of the U.S. Military
– Sends drugs through our borders
– Steals military [or civilian] technology
– Partakes in cyber warfare with the United States and its citizens to steal trade secrets and other vital information
– Bribes American officials using money and/or sexual favors
– Invades any of our territories
– Flies spy satellites over our protected airspace
There are many other provocations as it’s impossible to list them all. Needless to say these are all activities that cause permanent damage to our country and they need to be dealt with immediately. Not in “Cold War” fashion, playing out for years and years but dealt with immediately! Please remember, we have someone currently in the White House that has taken $millions of dollars in bribes over several years. Joe Biden is compromised – way compromised! Now, the way I see things is that at some point this problem with Communist China is going to reach a boiling point, often described as “the point of no return”? And it’s past the issue with The Biden Crime Family. We are approaching the point at which there will be no other solution [that makes sense] other than to send these Communists the final message in the form of nuclear warheads… America has done it before and we can do it again.
Nothin’ a Nuke [or two] Can’t Fix, Right?

Not so fast on the nukes. It’s easy to lob them when nobody else is lobbing them back. We just need leadership (novel concept), I know. Biden can’t make any moves because he’s owned by China, Ukraine, Russia…
They have the goods on him and Hunter, China is even building in Cuba to spy on the US and add a military presence. A good start would be another blockade and then over to Mexico, central and South America. You know, enact the Monroe Doctrine.
Well yes good idea. Not with the Biden Crime Family in the White House. As long as we have crooks in favor of communist countries and taking money anything goes around the world. Just pay Joe and Hunter and they look the other way. Take this whole scene back to the early 1900’s and they’d be selling tickets to Hunter and Joe’s Public Hanging for Treason. The U.S. government has been pussified and it’s not the hippies that brought them here, it’s all the queers in the country, the 5% that corrupted the media and the government. From Oprah and Obama on down.
[I just returned from Scotland tonight and I’m more than spent. When traveling to Europe one needs to be prepared for two 18 hour days – departure day and return day. I can’t even see straight, had a great time though. The weather was mid 50’s to high 60’s everyday. It rained on us for a bit one day of golf but it was like on the 16-18th holes so most of us finished the round. I’ll get back in the swing of things here in the next couple days.]