The very last book of the Bible is by far the most complicated [and controversial] of all 66 books contained in the Holy Bible. It was written by the Apostle John under the direction and prophetic visions he received from Jesus Christ himself, and some of the visions are very disturbing. The Book of Revelation essentially lays out the events detailing the end of the world as we know it and the beginning of a life eternal in the presence of God. But only for some, as there are others among us that will be excluded. One of the many complications in deciphering this material is that events described within the 22 chapters of Revelation are not necessarily in chronological order, leaving the reader a bit on their toes as they attempt to understand the carrying out of God’s final plan for mankind. Suffice to say, even though the material is complicated for a layman like me to absorb, there’s not much information revealed inside this book that I would ever label as “uninteresting”? Quite the contrary, just about all of this material is worth multiple visits.
The Rapture, 7-year Tribulation, the second coming of Christ, the Battle of Armageddon, and the Millennial Period are all disclosed within the Book of Revelation. Among the highlights are – the Antichrist will gain world recognition and power, but not from violence, instead from peace. He will be looked upon as the great unifier of nations, in the beginning anyway. Only later will he turn on the country of Israel. Then ten nations, all mesmerized by his miraculous power, including his resurrecting himself from death, will rise up to defeat Jesus at the Battle of Armageddon. [Note: the Antichrist will also have the ability to perform miracles, so much so, as to deceive the people].
Toward the end of the book, after the Millennial Period has passed, Satan is finally defeated as good, once again, prevails over evil. The book goes on to detail that the Earth and even the Universe will be destroyed and a new Earth and a new Heaven are created. No Moon or Sun will be required to illuminate the skies in this new world, and oceans will no longer cover the planet as they do today…. looks as if God’s plan is for all sustenance to come directly from him. How pleasing a thought!
Revelation 6:1-2 [excerpts from the Tony Evans Bible Commentary]
“With the opening of the first seal, the tribulation period begins on earth – a seven year span following the rapture of the church in which God brings judgement to earth in order to reclaim it. Once the church is in heaven and worshipping around God’s throne, divinely wrought calamities will come upon the earth.”
[Side note: tons of natural disasters and all-out violence are described in Revelation, and erupting all over the world, marking a 7-year period known as “The Tribulation”. More than one-third of Earth’s current population will die just due to the factors described in this book. The second coming of Christ occurs around the middle of what is now known as “The Tribulation”. Most Theologians concur that Christ will not return to Earth during “The Rapture”, where most believers in Christ disappear as they are swept up before the awful events of “tribulation” can take place, as described in this last book of the Bible.]
“The rider on the white horse is a geopolitical leader; he’s referenced elsewhere as the Antichrist who will insert himself in the world following the rapture and bring order out of chaos. This person will claim victory – represented by his white mount and crown – and gain world power. Notably, there is no mention of an arrow with his bow, indicating the bloodless nature of his coup. He will assume power through his strength, recognition, and substance, but without resorting to violence initially. The ensuing sense of peace throughout the world, though, will prove false.”
Notes on “Revelation” and the Bible End.

Difficult read, for me. What I find that stands out, is our faith will be tested to an extreme level. The book almost seems custom written for every individual on earth. Who hasn’t been tested? Who hasn’t lost their faith? This one book could easily be a years long study. Through out, it is written by John, an absolutist on law. I won’t even claim to understand it, only believe it and not lose my faith.
Great approach to this most difficult material. This book could have been many volumes long but it appears to be more condensed and to the point. So symbolism takes over in a big way here and leaves much to the imagination. Like in the new world, once the Earth and Heaven are re-made will we live in eternity in spirit form or physical form? That has not been made clear except that it does say that those caught up into the rapture will have re-made, renewed bodies suited to our work and status that was earned in the afterlife in eternity [for those that make it there]. Therefore, one can only assume that we will exist in the physical again but not need the normal human sustenance that keeps us alive down here. This stuff gets deep to say the least!