Move Over Cold Call, There’s a New Kid in Town

Move Over Cold Call, There’s a New Kid in Town

You noticing anything different [also] these days? Those cold calls of the past, first they morphed into robo-calls, and now they’re just saying “screw it”, I’ll send out a “cold text” instead, I will probably obtain the same results anyway. Sales people must be getting really lazy these days. I remember back in the day cold callers had to have really thick skin to endure hearing one hundred “no’s” for every “yes” they receive. That was my life for a few years, made many a cold call myself. I guess these days cold callers prefer not to be yelled at and hung up on – imagine that, it is almost 2022 you know? So I guess the invention of the cold text now makes sense, it’s like cold-calling, but 2021 style!

I receive all kinds of offers via a Cold Text myself, I’m sure you do too. Everything from “We have been trying to reach you – You Won! Please click here to receive your prize <link>” to “I so horny, click for picture of me, I want you now!” to “Your Chase Credit Card has expired, please contact us immediately”, and on and on. I ignore all these kind of text solicitations. My personal favorite cold texts though are the ones that are group texts. Where the solicitor has sent the same text to 10-20 of us, and all at the same time. Now these can be fun. When I was busy with a project here at the house I would often find one of these showing up on my phone, and enough time had passed where some of the recipients had already responded with the usual “Stop it!” or “Take me off this list immediately” kind of thing. Not me, I actually respond back to these differently, for a reason. My goal is to get people in the group really pissed off at the original sender for jacking with their day. Maybe even enough so that one of them takes action to report the person who sent the cold text out. To accomplish my goal I respond with 5 fireworks emoji’s in a row – that’s it. Once anyone of the list opens their latest text message their cell phone explodes non-stop for most likely a full minute – I figure at least 10 seconds per explosion emoji, and a phone will have to cycle through all five of those before the torture ends! By now I’m amused but the original sender could be cringing, as surely now one of his/her unlucky recipients will be irritated enough to report them. And the funny thing is, that’s the last time I will ever be included in that particular person’s promotional campaign. 😊… I must be good at finding out what irritates people and doing it over and over, maybe that’s why I wasn’t very popular in grade school? Could be! 😊

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3 years ago
3 years ago


3 years ago

I’ll bet you showed that computer generated SMS who not to mess with. I get the same crap, beyond annoying.

3 years ago
Reply to  bnewman