Mother Earth: The Great Transformer, Rejuvenator

Mother Earth: The Great Transformer, Rejuvenator

Premise: There’s nothing found on or inside the Earth that will destroy the planet although there are things found in and on Earth that are harmful for humans. And even if one of these chemicals or weather events doesn’t kill us, we’re still all going to die and turn back to dust anyway. You can have your remains put in a pine box but that’s not going to change this story, you may have [delayed] the inevitable, but we’re all bound for the same fate, a pile of dust.

No weather patterns, nor rocks, nor oceans, nor sulfur or petroleum deposits, nor diseases, none of these will ever destroy planet Earth. Thus, the eventual destruction of this planet will have to come from way outside our atmosphere, as nothing naturally occurring on the Earth itself, [in other words found surrounding, or on or even under the surface] is capable of destroying this planet because it would have already happened, in which case you wouldn’t be reading this. That’s “ground zero” for dispelling all these zealots arguing their fictitious “Climate Change” destruction scenario caused by human behavior, as they are way wrong. If you’re a believer in the Woke Left’s “Climate Change” agenda I’m sorry to inform you but your “dumbass” is sticking out for everyone. to. see?… pure naivete’!

On Transformation:
I wish everyone would be required to take college level courses in Geology, it’s really quite fascinating. People that have zero knowledge of the Earth’s geologic history are easy to spot as soon as they open their mouths, they’re really lost on subjects like this one. Turns out that the Earth is the greatest transformer and rejuvenator of things ever known [and some still unknown]. Let’s look at some examples of the Earth’s natural transformation and rejuvenation processes:

From “sea bugs” to Petroleum and Natural Gas –
When marine plankton dies it falls to the bottom of the sea and eventually gets covered by rock and placed under pressure in a process taking 100s of millions of years, these occurrences are the origin for all natural gas and petroleum deposits. Petroleum and natural gas originate from ancient marine life, formed by the deposits of trillions of “sea bugs” basically over time. On the other hand, oil and gas deposits were not formed from dinosaur remains, so just in case you heard that, it is just a myth.

From Ancient Forests to Coal –
Forests and plant life that existed during the time of the dinosaurs and were eventually buried under layers of rock and placed under tremendous pressure [over 100s of millions of years] were eventually transformed into coal. Here, once again, we have a natural process creating yet another means of producing a vital energy resource in the form of coal deposits.

On Rejuvenation:
From Nothing but Ocean to Dry Land Containing Mountains, Plains, Valleys, and even Deserts –
Did you know that at one time the shoreline for what is now the Texas Gulf Coast was originally located in Kansas? And the fossil record proves it! Many ancient marine life fossils have been discovered, unearthed from Texas to Kansas. Did you also know that back in geologic time, the western shoreline of what is now North America actually ended in the state of Idaho. Washington state, Oregon, and California all formed much later in geologic history, created by nothing but grains of sand washing onto our western shores. This is an example of the earth’s mighty rejuvenation process. Still today, new islands and other land masses continue to be created while some other land masses erode away and disappear, all in a naturally occurring process.

Humans could not interfere in the Earth’s natural [transforming and rejuvenation] processes even if we wanted to, we have, and going forward will continue to have, zero to do with any of these natural occurrences. I repeat zero!

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

I’m just done with leftists. Is there always an alarm sounding? Aren’t these the same people who constantly point fingers and never visit a mirror. America’s perpetual victims of their own making? I love BLM, why did they catch my house on fire? Well Blanche, it’s because they’re life hating thugs released by your leftist judges on the premise that locking up criminals is racist. Drill baby drill.
Brown (I don’t know) Jackson is the current “cause celeb” she’s creepy! Doesn’t know a man from a woman but it’s ok to have child porn? Is this a dress rehearsal for the end times or are we here?