Because it’s proven to be profitable to bully American consumers. Remember Y2K? Global Warming? Climate Change? Well, we have a new scare coming out of techy-land now. This one is coined “Artificial Intelligence” or A.I.. And all the tech oligarchs are gathering together to make sure that we adopt their latest venture by investing in their overpriced stocks to provide funding for their new A.I. initiatives. Should we refuse once again they’re saying “We’re All Going to Die!” Get it? We’ve heard this before so you should know the drill by now…
Remember the Y2K Scare?
Let’s re-visit what took place when the Tech Oligarchs warned us [back in the late 1990’s] that the world would end because their old software and hardware offerings were not equipped to handle any dates past 12/31/1999. This brought a chilling scare into the hearts and minds of everyone who have bank deposits or were planning to fly [airplanes would fall out of the sky they claimed] or anyone having to rely on electricity to do their jobs. All the way down to hospitals and their surgical procedures – everyone who was doing a task with the lights on was going to be interrupted and they might even die unless – unless they purchased the spiffy new software and hardware fixes from several tech company’s all run by Leftist oligarchs. Many of the familiar names running these tech companies [and still today] only had high school educations. Nothing wrong with high school it’s just that for me I’m more apt to take advice from someone who has gone a bit further than high school in their education and training.
Once all clocks and watches [absent of any software] turned over to 12:01 a.m. in the wee hours of January 1st, 2000 nothing happened – no one was nuked, no one was hospitalized with a Y2K ailment, and life went on. So it was business as usual to begin the year 2000 and the Y2K scare turned into a very large “nothing burger”. But the tech oligarchs met all their sales goals, these Leftists sure did make huge money [from a hoax] which is what was important to them. Scare the general public enough and make huge profits, it was this way back in the late 1990’s and still today their mantra remains the same for any organization involved in technology pursuits. I see a pattern here playing out over and over all coming from the Leftist Socialists inside America. Leftists from the heads of large technology organizations to media outlets promulgate these lies which manifests itself into worry and panic.
Remember Leftist Al Gore’s “Global Warming” Scare?
Democrat Al Gore raised $millions by shaming people into believing that somehow we are at fault but if we follow him he can eliminate impending disaster. Otherwise the Poler Ice Caps will melt by 2013. However, disaster is averted if we buy into his speaking engagements and books whilst he flies around the country in several private jets. Mr. Gore went on to claim that in just a few short years “Global Warming” was sure to flood major cities along the Northeastern coast with 10-12 feet of water if we don’t listen. The only cure for those that bought into this outlandish lie was to purchase tickets and see his films, buy Al’s books and attend his speeches, that was the sure cure! Uh-huh. 🙂 Here we have another example of Leftists at work. Mr. Gore is no scientist or climatologist but his daddy was a Democrat Senator, and wasn’t that qualification enough? We are now in the middle of 2023 and as far as I know [at this writing anyway] no one has died nor even flooded out from the Left’s longstanding prediction of “Global Warming”. Moreover, from what I understand over the past couple years the ice caps on both the North and South Poles have “expanded”.
Remember Leftist/Socialist Obama and Co. Warning Us of “Climate Change”?
Obama didn’t found this irrational fear but I credit him for popularizing it. What the Democrats, and really Socialists all over the planet are pushing to turn this fear into is a way to shame businesses for purposes of raising taxes. And what happens when taxes rise? Corporations pass those costs onto their consumers by raising the price(s) of goods and services. The climate is forever changing, we have four seasons, do we need any reminding of this fact? During any of these seasons there will be severe weather and there will be calmer weather. Nothing has changed since humans first occupied the planet. To date no one, I repeat no one, zero, nada has ever died or ever been hospitalized with a diagnosis of “Climate Change”. It’s the most ridiculous waste of human time to think that somehow cows and humans are the problem when the problem [all along] is really the mentally ill Democrats/Socialists.
I want you to thank you for reading and recognizing that often times those sparking panic in the general public have hidden agendas, and those agendas usually involve their own personal profit or gain. I provided some examples above and more will surface it’s just a matter of time. Always remember the earth has the power to turn huge mountains into tiny grains of sand stacked on a shore all without any human interference whatsoever. The earth’s ecology can turn seas into desert plains and back into raging oceans. It takes a ton of time, time you are I don’t have; we won’t be here long enough to witness it. Weather factors create erosion of existing structures while in other areas the Earth’s crust is spewing out new lava creating new land surfaces. These events have been going on for billions of years and humans continue to have zero to do with its process. God has everything to do with the design of this planet, its atmosphere is regenerative, and its weather will remain uncontrollable but again the Godless Democrats continue to ignore any higher power other than themselves. Never ever vote for a Democrat to occupy an office as you will forever be disappointed in the outcome. 😉
Leftist-Run Tech Cos. Keep Trying [to Kill Us]!

What? Florida is now part of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, everyone that was there have parished I believe. Earth really is flat! Do you know what ENSO means? Didn’t think so… El Niño Southern Oscillator, yes, I follow weather patterns because of agriculture and the important role it plays not only in our economy but also my belly. Do you know how many acres sweet yellow corn is planted? Hint: less than 1% of corn produced in the US, the majority is what’s called short field (Ethanol). Green people need grow up and STFU as they read bumper stickers. Look up palm trees in Canada, yes they were there. Mother Nature can be cruel or nice and guess what? We have no control! Democrats have ruined our country by not taking advantage of our natural resources, you know, like Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Canada…
Thanks as always for your commentary… and we now know what the next hoax is, “A.I. will destroy humanity unless everyone listens to tech oligarchs and buys all their stuff – it’s the only way to be saved!!!”
Signed: LMAO at Liberals Daily
Living Atlas Shrugged!
No one could have ever made this stuff up, beyond fiction for sure!