Ever wanted to hit that “Reset Button” in your life but didn’t know [exactly] how or where to find it? I have good news for you – each of us carries inside of us a reset button, and it’s available both night and day, 24/7 really. Your reset button never sleeps. Great news right? Plus, you will need no pre-approvals [above yourself] to hit that button in your own life. Jesus insured that inside each of us [by his sacrifice for our sins], we are equipped with a reset button. God having his only Son come down in the flesh guaranteed that everyone now has access to their own reset. [For more on that please see the New Testament]. What’s more interesting than all of this is how few of us still take Jesus up on the offer. Amazing how that works…
I want to take you on a detour [briefly] to talk about how many of us end up using a reset button in our lives, some of us without even being aware of it. Most adults are not a stranger to a reset button. Some press “reset” because they became aware that drastic changes have to be made to accommodate a ton of differing circumstances. Things just happen in life, like the arrival of a new baby is one, or pursuing training and furthering your education for a new job is another, or even assisting someone who relies on you like an elder relative. So many events can cause a person to have to hit a personal reset button. I spent many years serving clients in the financial services industry. Anyone who spent several years in an industry like that where new regulations and market trends are extremely dynamic from day-to-day, to month-to-month, and every year after might agree that reset buttons are vital just to survive all the changes affecting one’s career success. From satisfying local management teams and compliance officers to regulators in Washington to volatile markets to new innovative solutions for managing money and retirement – the fluidity of the financial environment is ever-changing and frankly can get somewhat exhausting. Financial Advisors and Financial Planners have to change their focus periodically just to keep up with new innovations in product offerings and new regulatory changes which oftentimes are cumbersome to have to accommodate. I must have re-invented myself at least 6-7 times during that 30+ year career. But each new change got me closer [eventually] to where I needed to be. So I’m now in the camp that says welcome change instead of fighting it because when you fight it you stop growing. Sure the challenges are great and can be discouraging when going through the process but in each change is found a “new opportunity”. I tried to always keep this theme in the back of my head when the times got rough. There are many career fields where workers experience this, one being the medical field where innovative procedures and drugs to treat illnesses along with federal regulations seem to be in a constant state of flux as well.
Meanwhile, coaches for all sorts of challenges that life brings have emerged. There is no shortage of folks out there who want to coach you, all for a fee to advise you on this or that. There are lifestyle coaches, coaches for your love life, and coaches for your diet and fitness. Coaches abound right? No limit to how many coaches one can employ these days for those who want to get to a better place the right way, no matter where that is. The last thing most of us think about is signing up for God Almighty to coach them. How about if you only had one choice to bring on a coach in your life? Would you choose God? Let’s say you employed God to coach you, would you need any other coach? I’m just asking. I think that God would be a great choice myself, especially since he’s sovereign over all and every aspect of our lives. But let’s pause to reflect for a second that only if your faith is strong could you employ God over all these other coach offerings right? Right! I think that’s how it works, let’s just say that from everything I’ve read and those I’ve heard who know way more than me about God and his only Son, Jesus Christ, that’s the conclusion I’ve come to anyway.
To get that started might be scary for some of us because [the truth is] you’re going to be taken away from your usual thought processes and your usual routine. You’re going to have stuff come your way that you never thought would but simultaneously you’ll also have stuff go away that you never thought you could live without. God works that way… they say that God is like that, nothing else compares that you’ve ever pursued before. Having faith in him and all that Jesus said and did never promises an easy life but it’s rewarding beyond what we as individuals could do for ourselves alone. What a coach! Want to hit the ultimate “Reset Button” by choosing a relationship with God? Returning to earlier, there are tons of reset buttons in this life to choose from, this reset takes up where you begin seeking a relationship with God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It’s a quest that never ends and what you’ll find out about believers in faith over time will astound you. So I encourage each of you as you encourage me, to hit that reset button because it’s going to be the mother of all resets. Then as we reset we become more and more selfless in our faith.
… Wishing all of you everlasting life and a life of faith based on gospel truth! 😉
Just Press the Button & Watch [What Happens]

Great write!