Jiu-Jitsu, One Remedy for U.S. Political Ills

Jiu-Jitsu, One Remedy for U.S. Political Ills

Did you know that Jiu-Jitsu, the Japanese martial art craft, dates all the way back to the mid-1400’s? A write-up I found went on to say that one practitioner perfected its design in the 1500’s and that this version is still in practice today. What makes this martial art different from other physical fighting is that Jiu-Jitsu is never the aggressor, it is all about self-defense. Jiu-Jitsu teaches the student [through maneuvers] to disarm and disable opponents in order to stop a threat by putting an end to any aggression. Attacking is not the optimal solution according to masters of Jiu-Jitsu and, as it turns out, attacking opponents doesn’t work too well in American politics either. Jiu-Jitsu ends with the disarming and disabling of the aggressor, a strategy that has worked well inside the Japanese culture for centuries. I believe we could learn something from Japan here as Jiu-Jitsu would be an optimal solution against today’s Socialists who are attacking [from the inside] all that made America a once great country.

So the optimal strategy to turn this ship [America] around might very well be kill them with facts. Here are some facts, American voters for years have been caught with their heads up their ass – yes, I said it and I mean it! Look who you have given the highest responsibilities in the country to over most of these past 15-20 years. Woke Green activist Gary Gensler as Chairman of the Security and Exchange Commission? Laughable! While Janet Yellen gets named the first “Climate Change” Secretary of the U.S. Treasury and a guy wearing adult diapers who cannot put a sentence together pretends to function as our President? [Albeit between naps and calls to wake-up to reality]. Notwithstanding the Vice President, an ex-Senator, wants your vote now yet she has stood for nothing but Socialist ideals and agendas from DAY ONE! The incompetence displayed in all key positions across our federal government is rampant as well. It’s like a Socialist Disease has swept through the halls of Washington, D.C. There seems to be no end in sight to these Socialists who are sitting atop all major offices whether at the state or federal level. And they come equipped with LESS THAN ZERO knowledge of profit seeking businesses having to operate inside a once free-market economy. The Socialist approach is always the same, over-tax and over-regulate and for something totally different, tax some more!

It’s election time again and American voters have been voting in stooges to represent their state and federal government, candidates who have never ever run a business and in most cases never even worked for a “for profit” business. Imagine what you end up with when you place a Socialist who’s only worked for a local, state or federal government, what you get when you place them in a position to make decisions about free-enterprise corporations. You get more government, more bureaucracy, more red tape and layers upon layers of regulations and taxes. What did the idiots voting these people into office think they were going to get? I’m absolutely dumbfounded by the stupidity displayed by the average voter in America today. I say the “average voter” because the average is what is placing idiots across the board into our highest most responsible offices. Barack Obama being one example, he was a “Community Organizer” for God’s sake. How in the hell is this person qualified to be in the U.S. Senate much less the White House? And American idiots voted him in twice! Result? Taxes and regulations rose and the U.S. economy grew by a tepid .5% to 1.5% the entire time he was in office with the exception of one year. He emboldened our enemies like Iran by lifting sanctions then paying them all that had been locked up in the United States since they deposed the Shah, with $billions in back-paid interest! He told Black Americans that White people were oppressing them and created unnecessary racial tensions which spawned domestic terror groups like Black Lives Matter and chatter regarding “reparations”. Socialists are dangerous, they suck and there’s no way to candy coat it. Wokeness, DEI, and “Climate Change” were all created by these anti-American imbeciles on the Left, what I refer to today as the Devilcrats, the Godless in our society.

When you go to the polls in November [or vote early] ask yourself who do you want running where you live and where your family has to live and work? Do you want your local police department defunded? Kamala Harris is on video saying she supports defunding the police and “re-thinking law enforcement”. Do you want 11 million illegal aliens invading our open borders? Kamala has allowed that as “Border Czar”. Kamala is also on video saying corporate taxes must rise as well as those that are highly compensated. She proposes an asset grab in two ways – first, taxpayers will have higher tax rates and also must pay a tax based on their total assets or net worth; second, she is pushing the idea of taxing UNREALIZED CAPITAL GAINS”! Think about both of these for a minute. An annual tax on unrealized capital gains? If they implemented that the stock market would crash the following session. And I’m not talking about a “standard-issue” 20% correction, I’m talking about drop of at least 70-80%. Who would want to own stocks if you have to pay a tax on something you have never received? Absolutely idiotic! Does this sound attractive to you? If so, then vote for the crazy laughing Socialist. Do you run a business or rely on a business to supply you with products and services? Under Socialism they could shut down easily then where are you going to get your product or service? See how ignorant Socialism is? These people have ZERO understanding of “for profit” enterprises operating inside an open economy that is allowed to grow without government interference.

Look at all the war that has broken out since these Socialists took over the reins in January of 2021. Russia has killed thousands of Ukrainians right after President Biden made a public statement that he would NOT be opposed to a “small incursion” into Ukraine by Russia. That war is still going on and has cost American taxpayers $billions! Hezbollah and Hamas have slaughtered Israelis in a war that was directly funded by the Devilcrat Obama & Biden administrations. These two idiots insisted on funding Iran and ignoring all sanctions for the number one sponsor of these two terrorist groups mentioned above. Result? Thousands of Israelis have been killed. Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris all have blood on their hands from these conflicts.

Socialism is all about government overreach into E-V-E-R-T-H-I-N-G! America needs to put a Jiu-Jitsu move on Socialism and get it out of our government at all levels meaning you and I must vote in candidates with proven track records of reducing government interference and taxes and growing the U.S. economy all while keeping our sovereign borders once again, “Sovereign”.

Just The Facts And Nothing But The Facts, All Facts My Friend!

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Jeff Page
7 days ago

I concur! Trump has to win or we face default on our bond obligations. Dumbocrats (Socialists) are creating $1T in new debt every 100 days. Good luck to our sons, and their great, great, great grand children. The left is running on a platform of black genocide, a.k.a baby removal. I call it murder, but you can give it your own name. Look where Iraq is now, SH should have been left in as leader, he was a buffer to Iran, now it’s a tribal nation.