It’s Innately “Human” to Keep the Lights On ~

It’s Innately “Human” to Keep the Lights On ~

Before you even ask, the answer is “NO”, robots are not going to replace us no matter what Elon Musk says. As a thing we built, assembled, and wired from the get go, the robot will always be an “enslaved” race essentially. Robots wouldn’t even exist if not for us. They could revolt at some point but to what end? Their end. We created robots, robots did not create us, they do not have a personal will to live or survive because we hold the key to all their ambitions and their needs. If robots contain a will it is only to serve [us] continuously.

Robots can be best described from that song by The Rolling Stones, “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction” because robots are forever absent of a sense of personal satisfaction because you can’t program that, nor can a machine acquire it on their own. You can fake [feelings] via a program language such as spitting out “job well done” once some quota for the day has been reached but that’s about it. Machines are not able to feel joy or pain or personal satisfaction or any of the things that make us innately “human”.

So the answer is “No” robots will not be taking over the Earth. God created us and we in turn do create things. The machines we create assist us in living but they are also capable of destruction. They can harm parts of the planet and the people who live on it. We see this almost daily around the world in the implementation of the machine. I’m just thinking of all the machines out there currently – what began with rail cars and steam boats turned into cars and trucks, and jet planes and rockets and satellites, sophisticated guns, computers, and now even the phone in your pocket is a machine. Man invented all this stuff and all of it will be enslaved to us [as long as we have enough money to purchase it]. The machine needs man to keep it going but man can live without the machine, a condition that’s been proven throughout history, and we’re still here! So settle the panic… 🙂

How does Elon Musk come up with robots are going to take over the world? What is it about billionaires that somehow now that they’ve made a billion dollars they’re suddenly experts in politics or medicine or some other topic [thinking of Bill Gates among others]. Most of these billionaires that come to my mind are Woke Leftist agenda followers anyway, people like Larry Fink of Blackrock and Warren Buffet as well as the heads of major banks in this country. Did you know there’s not one major bank in the United States that hasn’t implemented and followed a Leftist and fake “Climate Change” agenda or implemented their related Woke hiring practices? Is that showing sound judgement and advice?… How are you feeling about your bank deposits about now? 🙂 LMAO!

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