It’s a Survey Kind of World… and it’s Annoying

It’s a Survey Kind of World… and it’s Annoying

Apparently the first survey was created in London in 1838. Boy would that individual be gloating today huh? Seems to me these days that we can’t be a customer or even a potential customer of a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g, any organization, without being asked if they would complete a “survey”. It’s become beyond the ridiculous at this point.

This is a my story, just within these past few days:

Each time I need to speak with my web support techs, which is at least once or twice a week, or even the web design team person I’m asked to complete a survey once the call is over. Usually they’re over the phone and I am to choose answers to their questions by punching numbers between 1 and 5, with 5 being the best. I went to the mailbox the other day and there was a Republican voter’s survey they wanted me to fill out and return within 5 days. I looked at it and started filling it out but they wanted money so I threw it in the trash. The same day I received an email from a contractor I had called out for a bid on my home renovation project. Turns out they had some good advice but I may be able to handle it myself. Well they also sent me a survey titled, “How did we do?” When they haven’t yet “done” anything yet. I checked my bank online yesterday and found that I was charged three times for a single subscription fee. So I called my bank and did eventually get a nice lady on the phone who explained that two credits have already posted that will correct the error, etc. So I thanked her for her time and she says, “you may receive a survey from us, I would appreciate you giving me a good rating for this call.” I received a survey via email, and I did complete it, just for her.

This needs to stop. Enough is enough! I am being asked to complete at least 3-5 surveys a week now. Stop the frigging surveys! Whoever is advising our very “woke” corporations, big and small, that they have to constantly survey everyone, even when they don’t do business with them, these are lunatics. Why don’t these corporations take personal complaint phone calls anymore? That’s what we want! You noticed that also? As soon as you really have an issue – you’re pissed off at some situation or company, they will avoid you like the plague! They’re scared to get on the phone with you.
Bottomline: When you don’t hear from us at all, that means things went very well. When you do hear from us, reach out to us immediately, as we likely have an issue you can now help us with and gain our trust.

Constantly asking us to complete a survey makes your company look stupid, and out of touch. I repeat, when we call you make sure you have a live person that can answer the phone, or when we leave a message, return our call in a reasonable period of time. That’s known as “Customer Service”. Electronic voices and attempting to constantly survey us (by mail, phone, email) is not “Customer Service”, it’s using technology… and nothing personal about that.

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Jeff Page
3 years ago

Surveys only when get answered when I’m extremely satisfied or really angry. I love the phone systems.
You have reached xyz, please listen carefully, as our menu options have changed. Really? Changed? I’ve had those changes memorized for 9 years! Then when you punch 42 on your phone, you get placed on hold by another machine that asks you; did you know you can initiate a claim at WWW DOT WE DON’T WANT TO TALK TO YOU DOT COM. When I finally get connected I say, “Did you know your options haven’t changed”? Starts the conversation off well…

Jeff Page
3 years ago
Reply to  BNewman

No doubt. Relationships are key. I will and do pay for service.