If Elected, Commies Will Party Like It’s 1999!

If Elected, Commies Will Party Like It’s 1999!

What’s Next for America?
If two Devilcrat Socialists, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, win the upcoming election? I’m writing because there are some surprises I want you voters to be aware of before the fact? The fake news media in this country, know who they are – the CNN’s, MSNBC’s, ABC’s, NBC’s, CBS’s of the world are all-in on making Kamala and Tim look like a great option to occupy the top offices in this country. It’s a downright media honeymoon for Devilcrats rarely seen as Kamala doesn’t even have to sit for a pre-election interview since all these fake news channels have her back, have you noticed that as well? Neither one of these losers can draw a crowd like Republicans President Trump and J.D. Vance do regularly to the tune of 100’s of 1,000s just waiting to hear them speak. But the Devilcrats own the fake media so they don’t have to discuss all their past failures while each held an office, Harris as Vice President and Tim Walz as the progressive Governor of Minnesota. Both of these nefarious characters are openly practicing Socialism and they’re damn proud of it! And who is a Socialist’s best friend? A Communist, well of course! That leads us to my topic of conversation here – just what happens to America [and the world] should this Devilcrat ticket be successful in reaching the White House in 2025? Some of my predictions may surprise you!… others, not so much. 😉

You Have to Look Back in History
To find that all major wars, World War I and World War II both began as regional conflicts. They spread across the world as country after country and their armies piled on choosing sides with a promise to defend to the death. Germany invaded Poland [1939] and at once England and France jumped to declare war on Germany, and on and on to almost infinity. If you don’t believe these two major conflicts; [which began soon after the Biden Crime Family was elected into office]; Iran funding Terror proxies in Lebanon, [Hezbolla terrorists], and Gaza [Hamas terrorists] attacking Israel as well as Russia invading its neighbor Ukraine, could not turn into World War III you are badly mistaken. This is THE recipe for a World War because wars on a global scale always begin as regional conflicts [that spread]. How do they spread? It’s pretty simple, allies coming to the rescue of other country allies is how they developed into worldwide conflicts. We are at the crossroads now you see because there’s a delicate balance in keeping differences between governments in check. Understand something that will never change, Socialist and Communist regimes operate as opportunists stealing land and resources when they can get away with it because sanctions limit their ability for open trade with the wealthy countries of the West. Without aggression these illicit regimes could dissolve and the repressors face execution. The United States has played a key role in maintaining a delicate balance across adversaries with a “peace through strength” initiative in the past. [This peace through strength initiative was eliminated once Devilcrat Obama became President. He demanded that all moneys tied up in U.S. banks [Hundreds of Millions] be returned to the terrorist regime operating in Tehran [plus interest] whereby the Islamic regime suddenly had wealth and could continue their attacks on Israel and its Western allies]. A peace through strength initiative can only take place when competent leaders are in charge of making major decisions/negotiations representing the United States best interests. Not the interests of the terrorists as the Devilcrats are famous for arranging. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and all the Devilcrats under them have failed over and over to maintain world peace. The best Presidents in modern times to succeed in this area were Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, hands down! Communist regimes across the world will find a Harris/Walz presidency more than easy to manipulate, and manipulate they will!

Should Kamala Harris be Elected President
I don’t believe there’s any doubt that one or both of these current regional conflicts will escalate into a worldwide war. Communist China is already aligned with Iran, Russia, and [of smaller significance], North Korea & Cuba. Those countries form today’s axis of evil; they all seek to destroy the West and thereby dominate the world’s supply of resources [or about everything]. Communist China has had its eye on neighboring Taiwan for years and what better backdrop and timing for an invasion of the Island nation should a Harris/Walz ticket occupy the White House. That’s about a certainty there as I see no pushback whatsoever from these two incompetent Socialists.

The List of “Got You’s” is a Long One
How will the U.S. financial markets fare under Socialism? The economy will suffer enormously as candidate Kamala Harris has already come out for “price controls” on food along with the elimination of the Trump tax cuts which sunset in 2025. What food company is going to stay in business under price controls? Corporations have to make profits to stay alive to maintain employees. Price controls do not work, never have worked, and guess what? They’re not going to start working today either! High taxes and stifling regulations, the backdrop of all Devilcrat domestic policy, are another recipe for disaster. Socialism on steroids will deliver a shock [to the system] when the Harris /Walz presidency crashes the U.S. stock market. [A stock market crash being defined as a decline of 20% or more].

The Biden Crime Family Administration Caused This Inflation
The inflationary spiral we find ourselves in today, with Kamala Harris as Joe’s Vice President. She’s now attempting to distance herself from the catastrophe known as the Biden/Harris administration claiming to have an answer for inflation if only we vote for her? Have you heard this story before? Why didn’t she fix it in the four years she’s occupied the office? Because she doesn’t have a clue in regards to free-markets economic policy! None of these Socialists ever do that’s why their Socialists, they know zero about how capitalism works! Most Americans aren’t stupid, [though I will say we have more than our fair share of stupidity in this country?] Just enough to elevate two incompetent assclowns like these to the highest office. Buyer beware! Joe Biden will go down as the worst President to ever occupy our White House in the 248-year history of the country and Kamala Harris will go down as the worst do-nothing V.P. “Border Czar” this country has ever suffered through! 11 million [and counting] illegal crossings into our country on Kamala’s “Border Czar” watch alone [in the past 3-1/2 years]. That’s larger than the population of several U.S. states! You will be tasked to decide in November. Are these two the people you trust to run the country you and your family members live in?

Vote Trump/Vance and Make America Great Again! And Save the Country for Your Ancestors to Enjoy!

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Jeff Page
1 month ago

Okay, I’ve just finished up puking at the thought.