We needed one of these, back since a Leftist guy born in Indonesia who traveled to the U.S. on a student VISA could somehow be elected President? That’s when I began to realize that these United States were in desperate need of an “ignorance awareness” month, and I figure that October is as good a time as any to host that movement. By the way his African-born father belonged to a local Communist Party…
Who are Americans voting for in the upcoming November midterms and why? As of late Democrats being interviewed on television continue to claim that somehow Republicans are out “To Destroy our Democracy!” I have two issues with that sort of statement – first of all the United States is not a Democracy, never once was it a Democracy. What it has always been before this push into Socialism is a Majority-Ruled Constitutional Republic. So stop referring to our federal government as a “Democracy”, that’s a lie. Turns out that today’s Democrats would love to see our Constitutional Republic completely disappear, because their wild and wacked-out ideas of living do not fit in the box of Constitutional Laws. Things like the right to live [be born] and the rights to bear arms are a big problem for today’s Democrat Party. The second problem I have with their argument is that somehow people with a brain are ruining our Democracy? Even if the United States were a Democracy, the Republican Party would be aimed at preserving the rights of Americans living here. In other words, avoiding Socialist Policies that the Democrats have been pushing on us for years now. Most Americans would like the right to keep most of the money they earn [low taxes], to run a business without excessive over-regulation, to have the borders of the country protected from intrusion [border walls to protect our sovereignty], and the right to bear arms to protect themselves and their families from harm. In other words, No Socialism!
The second issue with this argument proves that Democrats are synonymous with ignorance. Referring to a Socialist government as having the virtues of “Democracy” when, in reality, the two concepts have nothing in common. Today’s Democrat Party members are really in need of returning to school for an education… it’s so sad to watch this whole thing play out. There is absolutely nothing coming out of a Democrat’s mouth that is factual. That’s partly deceit and partly ignorance as many of these elected Democrats are extreme cases of incompetent in their roles. Some know no better whereas the majority of them are attempting to cover up the truth. You will see both of these factors at play daily.
Pictured is a total jackass who keeps hanging around to run for Texas Governor. This fake-hispanic name, “Beto” O’Rourke, hails from El Paso. He is a Democrat. Who among you believes that in his ignorance he can be a leader for Texans? A person who, as an adult, wore dresses on stage while playing gigs in his rock band then more recently in life “dreamed about running over children in his car”, [his own words]. And this ignorant Democrat is who Texas residents need in their Governor’s office? Would Texans want to go from the frying pan with Inflationary Joe to be dumped into the fire with Socialist “Beto”?
American voters have one chance in the next two years to change the course of this entire country, and get us back on track to eliminate inflation, eliminate the war on fossil fuels, eliminate the threat of constantly raising taxes and irresponsible federal spending of our tax revenue on wacky “woke” causes, and eliminate the pouring in of criminals at our open Southern Borders. Again, you and I will have one chance to rid these creeps who control both Houses of Congress of power and that chance is during the upcoming November 8 Mid-term elections. Everything is on the line so please do not fail to vote! 😉
Proclaim October as “Ignorance Awareness” Month

I am encouraged by the news that some of these countries in Western and Northern Europe are turning away from Socialist ideals and woke-ism, I have heard that recently. I will use Reagan’s term – “Trust but verify”. I’ll believe it once they totally turn away from all that Socialist crap they’ve employed for years and years in these European countries, including the U.K.
Woke is being canceled around the Globe.
See Sweden, U.K. and Italy, all these countries are giving the liberal left the big boot. They are quickly turning their back on multiculturalism, antifamily, anticountry, anti God wokeness. Most commonly called the “liberal left” and “socialist” who are built for splintering one country idealism into what I refer to as tribalism. We are being governed by the ESG EPA, two well known legal bodies responsible for creating laws for our protection.
Did you get my “contact”?