Looking out over my lifetime, I have wished for many things along the way. I’m not certain of the exact number, but suffice to say I have received less than half of those things. If someone were ever to ask me for an accurate assessment, that’s pretty much how I would describe my life. There does exist a paradox though, as I have received an overabundance of things I never thought I needed, or even thought to wish for, and they were of the best grade and quality. Could it be that God is behind this paradox in life? Maybe God intercedes because he knows what [individually] we “really really” need? Whilst we wasted our time dreaming of things that we only thought we needed [but in the end would not have served us as well]? This may likely describe the program operating in the background of everyone’s life here on Earth.
There is an interesting story in the Old Testament somewhat related to this concept. When Solomon ascended to the throne after his ailing father, King David, he was but 20 years old [if that], and now he faced having to be a leader – the King of the Israelites.
From the Old Testament, 1 Kings:
3:4-9 “… God initiated the proceedings by appearing to Solomon with a stunning offer, “What should I give you?” [Solomon asked for only one thing, Wisdom.] Solomon’s response showed that, in one sense, he was already wise beyond his years. The young man recognized his inadequacies. He had no experience in leadership, yet he had been made ruler of a numerous people. What he needed was a receptive heart to judge and lead them well. The first step toward becoming a kingdom man is to realize your desperate need for God.”
3:10-15 “God was so pleased that Solomon asked for wisdom, rather than long life or riches, that he granted the request – and added to it what Solomon did not ask for: riches… honor… and a long life. But, for these promised blessings to be a reality, Solomon would have to walk in the Lord’s ways and keep his statutes and commands…”
With that there is much more to this story. It’s contained within an interesting part of the Old Testament, surrounding the rise and fall of King David and the choosing of his Son, Solomon to ascend to the throne. Solomon, a 20-year old kid, now a King, eventually becomes the wealthiest of the Kings as his realm of influence expands immensely, however, his descension into pagan worship [and other practices of the Canaanites] later leads to God’s condemnation as the Israelites fall into exile and slavery in Egypt as retribution. The whole timespan surrounding the life of King David and this time in biblical history is a must read if you’re wondering. Of course, Jesus Christ, descended from the line of David as had been prophesied by many in much earlier books contained within the Old Testament.
I Have Received Less Than Half of Those Things ~

Thank you for this message. It was just what I needed to help me understand the prayers in my heart and mind today.
You’re welcome, if you’re referring to the subject of God’s will vs. the will of the individual, that is a very interesting subject. It ties into the concept of God being sovereign over all and everything, in this life. Therefore, operating against God’s will for the individual will not lead to anything lasting or at least beneficial? There are books written about this subject, which I found to be one of the most interesting subjects within my study of Christianity.