Knowing that Jesus, the Christ – the Messiah was himself a Jew? Perhaps you hadn’t yet made that connection in your head, or did you forget? Do you really want to go there? All of you who lash out against the Jews those plans aren’t going to work out well. These must be folks that skipped out on reading the Old Testament, or if they did they didn’t absorb much of it. I mean do you really plan to take that risk and roll those dice? That’s a dice roll against our Creator. If you don’t believe that God is going to protect his chosen people [the Jews] against all potentialities you are truly beyond redemption. The first thing, the very first thing you need to understand is that God has made/makes it very clear as the Creator of the Universe that the Jewish people are his people, his chosen few. Israelites formed the basis for the Old Covenant, and everything meaningful regarding “human civilization” really began there. The New Covenant hadn’t even been thought of yet and Jews were asked to live by the covenants God initially laid out for them during the days of the Old Testament via some prophets back in those days.
This is an interesting subject for many reasons. One is that God sought to isolate, elevate, and protect the Israelites who lived in a territory that included Israel to the North and Judah to the South. However, the people mostly ignored and rebelled against God’s will for them which caused the Israelites not only to lose their land [more than once] but to live in captivity for hundreds of years via the Egyptians and the Babylonians, just to name two. This dates back to the days of Moses and other prophets through which God revealed himself over and over to the Israelites. However, most still would not listen. Point is, the Palestinians and other factions that want to get into the middle of this continuous struggle best be aware of the facts as this will not turn out well for them, or anyone who wants to bring harm to a single Jew living anywhere. This isn’t a new story, this is one of the oldest stories mankind has to offer we’re talking about here.
For Palestinians conducting Terrorist Activities [including marching] they may as well jump off a cliff because an even worse fate will await them. It’s bad enough that the Jews rejected the sacrifice of God’s only Son, Jesus so that everyone who believes in him will be saved to live in eternity. The crucifixion that Jesus endured on the cross gave gentiles [sinners] like me a way [really the only way] to reach eternal life. The Apostle John quoted Jesus as saying “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” Get it? He said “No One”, and that’s pretty definitive I would say.
I recently read a book entitled “40 Days Through Bible Prophecy” where the author dissects the last book of the New Testament, “The Book of Revelation” discussing the plans God has for his believers in Christ. It’s made clear that only 144,000 Jews will be saved once eternity begins, that is to witness a new Earth and Heaven. This is in the end after the current Earth, our Sun and Moon and really everything else has been destroyed. Everything in existence today faces obliteration [it is written]. This event occurs way after the Rapture, the seven-year Tribulation period as well as the second coming of Jesus and even his 1,000 year reign from Jerusalem. After all those events have taken place that’s when “eternity” is ushered in and only 144,000 Jews will be saved to spend eternity with God. I’m certain that number excludes any Jew who converts to Christianity between now and then, accepting Jesus as Christ Lord and Savior those few will be saved but no one else really – no Muslims, no Hindus, etc. During the Tribulation period alone – described as a seven-year period two-thirds of the earth’s population will perish from a variety of catastrophe, not only mass murder and war but widespread famine as well.
[I am no Pastor and never aspire to be one. What I am is a Christian who has become an “interested party”. Interested in leading the remainder of my days closer to God’s will and with that in mind I want to share some final thoughts with you here.]
When God wants to change your circumstances he doesn’t ask for pre-approval. He can change your life in a split second. Some of these changes will have great consequences, consequences that you can understand as positive and others will be dire, occurrences that could take a lifetime to understand, maybe never. What we don’t understand he has full reasons for but questions will still remain because his design, his ways are not our ways. Therefore, we have to learn to trust in him. It’s the most difficult thing a human can do, trust another with every little and big thing one can imagine is a tall order for most of us. I recall a Christian rock song with the lines, “I don’t know what you’re doing, but I know what you’ve done… I’m fighting a battle you’ve already won” and “I know how the story ends.” It’s our own stories in-between that we haven’t the details on and we won’t because God is steering the ship, not us. I’m sure though that if you look back on your life you can find instances where things worked out magically for you in some unplanned way? That is God at work in you.
Whenever we move away it’s Jesus Christ who holds steady, and always. We sometimes move away from him when convenience rules and all the while he wants only the best for us. What we see as permanent, he sees as temporary. What we see as human strife and suffering, he sees as dedication. What we see as want, he sees as expendable and unnecessary. Why is that? I am not a trained theologian but my best guess is that there exists nothing that is impossible. Impossibilities only exist in the everyday life of us earthbound humans. There is nothing unsurmountable, nothing that cannot be changed for the better, the best. This is a very different attitude to adopt during this life on earth. We try to comprehend the true concepts of “eternity” when they are not easily found in our vocabulary, nor easy to detect in our present world.
How is Hatred [for Jews] Working Out For You?

These little college fucks and protesters are empty souls! Some will go without jobs now and CEOS are catching on. It must be white supremacist that created this, not Rashida fanning the flames! Sorry, I really can’t speak much on this because it sickens me!
Exactly! They don’t have the real story, they have some Leftist’s spin on the real story. If they knew the history of these two they would probably back off entirely. I know only some of the history but enough to realize that Jews have their cross to bear and throughout history. It’s between them and God. Palestinians are not the final authority for anyone, they’re all screw ups letting Terror Group Hamas take over Palestine. The Middle East is a very dangerous place, anywhere over there ordinary people can find trouble, it’s a total stay away. Eastern Europe still can get messy as well, lots of crooks and scammers running around. Russia went to shit apparently once Yeltsin was out of office, that whole thing sucks as well.
What this has brought to the surface is that our major universities have been taking money from these Communists and Crooks for years and they don’t want to give it up even if it means destroying the United States. Typical Democrat/Leftist mentality.