And what’s funny is, he will seek you out even if you don’t seek him, which I found fascinating and wanted to discuss here –
Background: Those of us referred to as “true” Christians by definition, are the ones who never debate the sovereignty of God. Sure there are debatable nuances that exist between Christian factions, et. al., but by “definition” Christians believe in one God and he is sovereign over all. So if you’ve been mostly ambivalent to God and his Word delivered through Jesus Christ [and others], and the beliefs behind Biblical events – it’s okay, but you’re not considered a Christian [by definition]. If you should fall into this category, I know it well, I had been where you are on the subject most of my life. However, [largely], our pasts don’t really matter in the overall [scheme of things]. Why is that? It’s this particular argument that’s worth a consideration given the people that God has chosen to work through over eons of time.
God is omniscience [all-knowing] and omnipotent, qualities that make him sovereign over all and every little thing. So given this true Christian claim it doesn’t mean that he chose to live behind a wall of lush beachfront property on a resort island and carries on a lavish lifestyle. No, what it means is that his interest(s) extend well beyond everything seen and unseen, and he possesses omnibenevolence, [he is all-loving]. And God owns it ALL – everything we do, be it good, bad – or ugly, and he always works toward some beneficial outcome [in the end]. Let’s re-visit that once again – everything imaginable, from the smallest matter at a molecular level to the greatest man-built monoliths possible, it’s all under God’s realm! Plus he owns you and me. You may be asking yourself, how does that work? Well, he created you and me and all imagined and yet to be imagined, that’s how much he essentially controls. Given this bit of information you may have come to realize that God can also use us to accomplish his will, his purposes, [remember those beneficial outcomes?] Do you have a headache yet(?) because that’s a ton of sovereignty right there!
Thus, God is sovereign over everything and just because we as individuals haven’t sought him out doesn’t mean all that much because he knows where to find each of us [should he choose to employ us to accomplish his purposes]. Pay attention to this because it has ramifications you may not be aware of. Once God wants to get your attention and use you for his purposes, he will. Throughout history God has employed people [some very innocent people] to meet his ultimate goals. It is impossible to know of all his intentions and the lives he has “engineered” over history to meet his purposes [for humanity sake]. It may be all of us or just a few but suffice to say some of the uses for those chosen, [though the outcomes were spectacular], the details of how they got there weren’t always “pretty”. That’s probably most of what you need to know, God doesn’t always adhere to happy endings for everyone involved when he’s actively accomplishing his goals [through us], many times it can be quite the opposite. Now I have arrived at my intentions for this article.
For some of us, we never needed to seek him out [oh, it would have been better if we had]. Still, he has the power to choose a different fate for us should he decide to deviate us from our “once assumed” courses of action. However, if he does choose you to accomplish a purpose, feel special about that even though you may not be aware of his reasons. Take comfort in knowing that you were so chosen to accomplish his will through your fate. The Old Testament is full of stories where God used people over biblical history – both rich and poor, privileged and under-privileged to accomplish his goals. None are more famous than, of course, Jesus himself as well as the life of Moses and Kind David. Word has it that Moses was a very reluctant participant in God’s plan. Moses wanted to back out several times [following God’s commands was hard work] but he was unable to quit, eventually completing all that God had asked and willed of him. For other great stories of people transformed by God’s will, both the Old and New Testaments are full of stories such as these. The book of Esther and the book of Job [poor Job], both of these come to mind. However, these are only two examples from the Old Testament which is full of God’s will being played out in the lives of ordinary people, most of whom changed history. 😉
Addendum: My hope is that after reading this article it will peak your interest to learn more about how God has intervened in the lives of many, and all for beneficial purposes. God wants us to seek him out such that we can begin or, at minimum, continue on a path in accordance with His Will for our lives. 😉
God Has Your Address & Knows Where to Find You

Changing course: I don’t know what lies in store for me but, after celebrating my personal survival (07/07/20 – 07/07/22) of 2 years, I question myself as to what I should do. No answer has come forth. I pray I find out, I meditate and wait for an answer. Maybe he’s determined I’m not yet ready, that is his choice, I’m powerless. I do believe I’m alive for a reason.
I think this is a very important topic for people to consider so I’m glad you commented here. We get caught up in life and begin to believe that we are the captain of our ships always while nothing can be further from the truth.
You’ve already acknowledged that there’s a reason you survived your ordeal, and now what? That’s not something most of us can know, especially early on. Rear-view mirrors were invented for this reason I guess. 🙂 However, I might suggest you take this time to look into/study the books contained in the Old and New Testament specifically for how God intervened to shape history.