Furry Coats and Cadillacs, and Aspirations of ~

Furry Coats and Cadillacs, and Aspirations of ~

America has acquired a very bad habit, this notion that everyone wants to live here and values the same lifestyle that most Americans enjoy is hogwash. Many of our leaders have carried this [fable] to all corners of the world inside an exercise known as “Nation Building”. You know how this B.S. starts? You and I feel great about ourselves and suddenly now we want everyone else to be just like us! There’s only one problem, not everyone else is like us. So please let’s leave the nation-building to some other dumbass of some other hapless country, okay? That’s what I want to convey in this post. I will cite examples below, and fair warning, these may shock you regarding the American government’s misguided judgements and untimely interference in foreign countries, and their leaders. What’s funny in these instances is, had we done absolutely nothing, we would have saved more Americans from unbroken families, and not to mention, $ trillions in U.S. dollars… a much wiser choice.

A recent example of a total mindless nation-building debacle was what President George W. Bush attempted inside Iraq after invading their country to extinguish “weapons of mass destruction”… mostly to calm Dick Cheney. What a total mess that turned into $500 billion later! We lost I don’t know how many thousands of troops + taxpayer dollars simply because W. Bush insisted on hanging around in what morphed into a “nation-building” exercise. He was determined to turn Iraq into some kind of Democratic Republic. Where’s Iraq today? Still hanging next to Iran and Syria, nothing has changed. During this same campaign we occupied large areas in Afghanistan and the same result… word has it that the Russians warned us against ever entering Afghanistan. The Russians had to pull out of Afghanistan and claim defeat themselves back in the 1980’s. [God, I wish people would pay attention to history, if we ever as a country actually viewed past mistakes our leaders would make way less of them. But they won’t, they don’t, they continue to try and re-invent the wheel.]

Never be naive enough to believe that people with different value systems want to live like us, when the opposite is most likely true. In fact, there are several people I can think of off the top of my head that I would never want to live like and they’re already inside the country. 🙂 I’m sure you have a list of your own. Yet many U.S. leaders over the past five decades or so are too ignorant to understand this. Do you think Islamic and Communist populations cherish furs and Cadillacs? Like that’s been on the top of their list for lifestyle choices, seriously? When you’ve lived in poverty all your life you can get mighty good at it. Again, it’s a values system that determines what motivates people. You can’t import one of these and expect immediate adaptation, people develop their values on their own, almost always not from government. If government interventions and nation-building worked we would still be part of the United Kingdom today.

Remember the movie “Goodfellas”? Several characters portrayed were evil doers, people willing to do about anything to own a fur coat and a Cadillac. That’s kinda where I’m going with this, the United States government has picked sides in many a foreign dispute, disputes between countries that had very little to do with us. In an attempt to pick winners and losers, which has also led to us sending guns and money. Basically, this country has meddled in many a foreign affair, resulting in essentially the climbing in bed with many a thug, and only when confronted later for their indiscretion to claim they had their reasons? In many cases those “reasons” didn’t turn out too well now did they?

How about when?
– The CIA bribed Manuel Noriega, once military chieftain of Panama, a total thug himself. (Noriega was accused of rape, torture, murder, money loitering, and cocaine trafficking inside the U.S.) We gave Noriega of Panama our taxpayer dollars for information on a ton of things, including Cuba. Was he trustworthy? Laughable! He played both sides and took money from us as well as our enemies he was supposedly spying on for us? An American intelligence failure.

– The CIA armed Osama Bin Laden way before he masterminded both terrorist attacks on the United States. Does that name ring a bell? The dumbass CIA gave Osama Bin Laden weapons and probably cash to fight back against the Russians in Afghanistan. Which of these countries turned out to be the true enemy of America?… if it weren’t so pitiful we could all laugh at the abject stupidity shown by our government here. Bin Laden also was behind the masterminding of the first bombs that exploded underground in the Twin Towers in New York back in the 1990’s. Ironically, much of Bin Laden’s family inheritance was held inside U.S. banks and brokerage firms and our stock markets, even during the time when his Al-Qaeda carried out the 9-11 terrorist attacks.

– The Obama Administration’s boneheaded idea to use the ATF to supply guns to Mexican cartels (and other thugs) just to trace them and see where they might show up? That stupidity resulted in a least 300 (out of 1,600) weapons being found at crime scenes, 179 in the United States and 130 in Mexico, all guns illegally trafficked. Border patrol officer Brian Terry was killed in 2010 by one of these trafficked guns. Four illegal aliens were arrested and two AK-47s were confiscated, traced back to operation “Fast and Furious”. Somehow U.S. leadership was thinking that by supplying guns to really bad actors that this was going to stop violence and keep Americans safe; President Obama was never held responsible.

– The terrorist attack on our U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya, was an assault that killed four Americans. Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton [somehow] miraculously didn’t face charges for it, although the State Department issued several reprimands and a few resignations resulted from this abject failure in leadership. [There is a lesson here – never rely on a Democrat politician to rescue you from harm inside a foreign hostile country. Democrats will let you be tortured and die, they’re never coming to save you. 100% of what Democrats do is self-serving.] Read on for why Hillary did not lift one finger to help those stuck in Benghazi…

Source: Wikipedia – “The US had not had regular diplomatic presence in Libya since withdrawing its ambassador in 1972 and then closing its embassy after the 1979 U.S. embassy burning in Libya, but since the early 2000s had been starting to normalise relations. During Congressional hearings, Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens‘ top deputy in Libya, Gregory N. Hicks, testified that Ambassador Stevens was in Benghazi in 2012 because “Secretary [of State Hillary] Clinton wanted the post made permanent”, and it was understood that the secretary hoped to make an announcement to that effect during a visit to Tripoli later in the year. He also stated that “Chris [Stevens] wanted to make a symbolic gesture to the people of Benghazi that the United States stood behind their dream of establishing a new democracy.”” So once again, we have American politicos wanting to nation-build, this time in Libya.

An Act of Treason: All one has to do is look into what Hillary Clinton was up to as acting Secretary of State. She was using her position as Secretary of State to actively solicit donations in the $millions from the leaders of many Middle Eastern countries for her “Clinton Foundation”. An enormous conflict of interest! Hillary wasn’t about to order a counter-attack strike against Libya rebels and risk cutting off donations coming in from all over the Middle East. The bottom-line is that Hillary Clinton committed Treason while acting as Secretary of State, and yet never paid for her crimes. We can only pray that Hillary never ever is appointed or elected to a political post again in the United States.

Have we learned anything at all as a country? Nation-building is a no-no, never has worked. This post could be three times as long a read as it already is, as I fear the cases I cited above just touch the surface of what our leaders have gotten involved in, all in the name of “wait, don’t they want to live like us, surely they would like a fur coat and a Cadillac?” Why of course! 🙂

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Newt Oliver
2 years ago

If we had more honest journalists (and fewer ignorant/indoctrinated ones), perhaps more of the country would know about why we are where we are. I doubt that the average American, especially those 40 or younger, even read any of the many books and articles on the architects of the Cold War doctrines that are at the root of our foreign policy establishment. Personally, largely due to the Time of Trump and exposure of the “Deep State,” my eyes really opened when I read “The Brothers,” by Stephen Kinzer. Granted, the author is a leftie that would support a war that Biden starts but drag Trump through the mud for not involving us in one, but this book describes how the Dulles brothers in the 1950s and 60s helped set us on the path we are on today. One was Secretary of State while the other was Director of the CIA – at the same time. What could go wrong with that?? I highly recommend the book.

Jeff Page
3 years ago

It’s pick your poison sadly. Gadaffi had a laundry list of bombings and terrorist acts against both the U.S. and Britain. He did come clean after 09/11/01, knowing we’d be on the hunt.

Jeff Page
3 years ago

Side note on Gadaffi:
Since the forming of the National Transitional Committee, Libya in 2011 to prepare for a democratically elected government many things have gone wrong. The newly elected government had no military to back them with multitudes of militias to contend with. Each militia of course wanted power and separation. Democracy can’t govern that, a dictator can. Gadaffi should have remained in power controlling the tribal factions.
Now Libya has nothing but a burgeoning slave trade. Not a peep out of the liberals. Good luck, most people can’t even spell history, much less read it.