Democrats Turn to Dumpster Diving for an “Answer”

Democrats Turn to Dumpster Diving for an “Answer”

“It’s the economy dummy!” Democrats never have understood that the economy is Number 1 always – it’s never how much money the federal government can give in the form of assistance or aid. People don’t want “assistance”, they want jobs! And they want jobs that pay! Turns out this simple fact is way over the heads of each Democrat. They keep thinking people will be satisfied as long as they receive things for free. Free is an impossibility, a “utopian” concept. Nothing is free, absolutely everything in life comes with a cost. Sometimes we pay upfront, sometimes we pay later but everything worth having in this life we must pay for. Example: You want a great career? That will almost always require you to spend a great deal of time pursuing a high level education and/or training in order to obtain it as you must “qualify” first. The federal government is not mentioned in this argument.

These Democrats still think you can get somewhere in life without expending any effort (of attainment), they are so ignorant. Hapless Joe was never the answer to anything remotely competent, nor is dusting off the worst candidate in a century, Killary Clinton. And how about that crack Transportation Secretary, wow is he a winner huh? Claims he birthed a child? However, no where to be found when the country lives through the worst supply-chain crisis in history! Pete Buttigeig sleeps through the entire process. Instead, claiming the root cause was “climate change”… can you say “imbecile”?

That’s what all Democrats do, they’ll screw something totally up, making the worst possible decision when it really counts, then when the obvious happens and their incompetency blows up the country, they’ll blame it on “climate change”. Democrats always deflecting from the truth constantly, and as you know, it’s always someone or something else’s fault when it comes to Democrats. So now with everything President Trump put in place pretty much eliminated, we are seeing a country in a total mess – runaway inflation, unprecedented big city crime waves, terrorists entering the country via our Southern border in record numbers, all these turning the country into a total train wreck. Democrats have placed the United States below the status of a “third world” country with their latest push, “hey let’s let anyone vote regardless of whether they are even an American, want to?” My God, a Steven King novel couldn’t have made up this script!

All the while I hear a fast train approaching, there will be no stopping the upcoming November mid-term elections. Can the worst public servants/stewards of the Republic that was once America, (the Democrats), somehow figure out how to save the ship from the bottom of the ocean before November of 2022? What’s on the table is whether or not they can maintain control of both houses of Congress, for in the absence of that the Kamala-la-la as “President” equation becomes a rather mute point… gonna be real fun to watch this one play out!

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

America is fed up! Woke = broke. The entire mindset of the socialists must be off shored in China. This is becoming more insane as each day passes.

Will Healy
2 years ago

I disagree on the “fun” part. This s**Tahoe cannot end soon enough. Like you, I’m tired of the far left and the sanctimonious and false rantings on racism and climate.