Democrats Are Trapped Inside a Unicorn Clusterf*k!

Democrats Are Trapped Inside a Unicorn Clusterf*k!

I’m trying to control my laughter whilst writing this, it’s not been easy, as this will have you smiling, crying, or maybe even both. But one thing is certain, once you digest this one your head will nod “yes – that’s the truth”.

It’s come down to only two issues for this nation’s Socialist Liberals:
There exists only two ills, two categories, or two buckets that Liberals will place all challenges of modern society inside. Challenges such as the sovereignty of our border, or the lack thereof, governing and foreign policy issues, all domestic crime, even including terrorist activities. To these complete buffoons there’s only two root causes for anything humans suffer from – it’s either “Systemic Racism” or “Climate Change”. That’s pretty much it. Everything points to these two as the “root cause”. It’s absolutely the most bizarre case of mass hallucination and falsehood I’ve witnessed during my time on Earth. And these imbeciles are leading what was once the most prosperous country in the world before they took over? What could possibly go wrong, right? 🙂 [This whole clusterf*k of supposed elected leadership is quite scary!]

Terrorism? Oh, the root cause is “Climate Change”! 🙂 City Police Departments? Democrats explain that these were formed entirely out of Racism! 🙂 Literally everything to these idiots either exists from racism or climate change at the source. Our nation was once the leader in the vital oil and gas exploration and development industry. But according to these Socialist idiots it must be destroyed because it’s destroying our climate!… but what’s even funnier is that Democrats are never above being paid to look the other way – you know, to make exception to their rules? So have no fear oil and gas producers as they are still open to bribes. 🙂

This unicorn belief system, (a total clusterf*k of useless fiction), continues to push us closer and closer into Socialism, and hence the eventual destruction of American Society altogether. Just think of any social issue that these unicorns present, and they’ll only offer two explanatory “root causes”. It’s always either “Racism” or “Climate Change”. See because to a Unicorn there’s no other possible solution to the issue(s) at hand. I have one, how about these nut cases get out of our way so we can turn the country back into what it once was, a prosperous “reality”? 🙂

I have yet to see a Democrat control the Climate anywhere, just as I have yet to see a captured terrorist cite “Climate Change” as a defense. I see nothing but mass integration and immigration in communities and corporations, and this has gone on for decades now, regardless of color or origin for law-abiding citizens that is. If you’re a trouble starter, troublemaker, no matter what skin color you possess, your opportunities in life will be limited. I believe these Socialist Unicorns, the total idiots that they are, just like the Dinosaurs before them, need to return to extinction before this country can return to “reasonability”.

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

I was circling back to something and lost track of whether I was at 180° or 360°. Sorry for the confusion. Liberal logic…
I think? Maybe but, sounds that way. ;>)

Jeff Page
2 years ago

It seems reasonable to me that while I was in the womb I did not change my pigmentation as expected. It was dark in there, I didn’t know what color I was. Many white people tell me that’s the beginning of systematic racism. When I asked why did they turn out white, they tell me they identified as a rainbow. Well, as you might guess, that cleared it up for me.
I think that climate change is the root cause of everything, if it weren’t for climate change the dinosaurs never would have died leaving behind fossil fuel to burn in order to create more climate change.
It’s about polar bear cubs and puppies.
Another guy named Blanche and his wife named Harry said it was for the children.
Now I’m not sure if I cleared anything up.
Your Friend ~ Confused ~