Democrat States Would Have Gone Bankrupt!

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Democrat States Would Have Gone Bankrupt!

States like NY, NJ, IL, and CA were facing a major exodus of residents leaving their states for lower tax states, states that are run responsibly. The problem is that the people that were leaving these high tax states were their wealthiest residents, thus representing a huge chunk of their irresponsible state and local tax base. The problem was two-fold, how do Democrats maintain their lavish BIG government lives, and still keep their wealthiest residents happy enough to stay? One change had to be included in this latest stimulus package, and Democrats in both branches of Congress will make certain to add in this change.

Answer? The Bill does away with the Trump annual $10,000 limit on property tax deductions. It will expand this tax deduction limit to a total of $80,000, that tax filers can write down per tax year on property taxes… this was the only way for the lousy Democrats to save the states they control from bankruptcy! LMAO!”

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charles McAllister
3 years ago

All of these democratic states are having a mass exodus due to their governments are taxing their people highly due to the state’s entitlement programs. Example, in the state of California you can get state money for being an acholic. Also, illegal aliens get full medical rights and privileges. And there, the illegal aliens, get college tuition for free.
Some of the U.S. bore citizens who were born in the United States who live in the poverty level. Whose parents that have paid taxes all their lives, cannot get the same help as the illegals. I think that if you are illegal. due to breaking the law. And get all of these entitlements. It would seem only logical, that if you are an American citizen living in one of these states that give criminal free college. you should commit a felony, and the state government will give your children a full scholarship pays for all your health needs and just maybe pay off your mortgage because you are a criminal.