Deja-Vu? The World Suffers From Yet Another Harvard Dropout

Deja-Vu? The World Suffers From Yet Another Harvard Dropout

So a second generation of Harvard Dropout enters onto the scene – 17 years ago Mark Zuckerberg drops out of Harvard, having earned only a H.S. education and what follows is just another leftist wacko Bill Gates-esque nightmare for most Americans. Here we have Mark, yet another software guru thinking he didn’t need a college education. After all, who needs to know anything about Free Speech, or honoring your country’s long held Victims Rights (for those suffering from crimes), or even a good dose of Economics 101 right? Just create a FaceBook software site and then use it to feed Leftist Socialist Progressive causes that essentially destroy where your parents raised you in the first place… what a total dumbass!

And turns out that Mark’s wife was born in liberal-land Massachusetts to Vietnamese parents who fled their Communist country on a refugee boat. Remember the Vietnam conflict? That’s the one where we lost 58,000 American soldiers, all patriots. It was Democrat LBJ’s brainchild disaster. And for what reason most of us with half a brain would ask six decades later? Because few people know what I’m about to tell you – Vietnam is still a Communist country today. So her parents flee communism only to thank Americans for all they have today because of our freedoms by having their child promote censorship and Socialism, and essentially stamping out free speech. Nice! One has to wonder what is wrong with these people, fleeing communism to settle and raise children in San Francisco? Only to end up raising a child that’s now repressing American values and Constitutional Rights.

At least we know how Mark spends most of his day, his fortune promoting censorship of anyone using FB that does not agree with the party line, the fake news channels and other fake media outlets. That’s been substantiated, so no doubts there. Plus he and his wife announced they are committing most of their billions to promote what is defined as radical leftist causes, things like “criminal justice, diversity and inclusion”, basically new “woke causes” like allowing criminals who commit crimes to never have to face the consequences of their actions – like no bail or prison terms required. Defund Police departments, etc., you know the spiel. That’s the focus of the “Chan Zuckerberg Initiative”, a Leftist Progressive organization they head up and spend most of their time and money focused on. This is who the Zuckerberg’s are. This is who you are supporting when you are spending all your time on Facebook.

Mark and his wife Priscilla Chan, are totally committed to a Progressive Liberal Democrat run government, the same one that places radical leftist ideals at the forefront of American politics. So much so that in 2016 before the Presidential Election they made a personal donation totaling the sum of $400 million ($300 + a $100 million follow-on) to the Democrats to get Joe Biden over the top – elected, in what was probably the largest personal political contribution ever recorded. How did that end for all the rest of us? Do I really need to answer that question? The subsequent election of Diaper Joe and worthless Kamala is becoming self-explanatory by the day. We will never see the destructive end to what happened on November 3rd, 2020. There exists no family in America that can possibly reach the pinnacle of trailer trash that the Biden family calls home.

This is the world of H.S. graduate Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook, now Meta. His FB/Meta enterprise limits free speech constantly. Their entire objective is to censor, censor, censor any rhetoric that does not fit their Socialist Leftist narrative [regardless of subject matter]. This is their mantra while his Democrat Party keeps funding the killing of the unborn and by all means keep the Black and Brown Americans uneducated and underprivileged as well. Thus, not much has changed with the Democrats over the past 150 years, it’s what they’ve done since the Civil War. Look it up, educate yourself – who fought for freeing the slaves after the Civil War ended? Republicans did. Who fought against the freeing of slaves in the South after that war ended? The Democrats did that… never, ever trust a Democrat!

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Jeff Page
3 years ago

So what you’re saying is, even a week spent in academia is two weeks to long. I couldn’t agree more. College merely gets you a job, generally speaking, in a field requiring no independent thought, just following CRT guidelines. Ultra wealth brings about ultra liberalism and you work overtime figuring out how you “feel best” spending other people’s money.
Musk has balls: It took coming from another country to build his empire, interesting facts on Musk.
Graduated U Penn
Economics and Physics 1995
Headed to Stanford but decided to start a business which was sold to Compaq for over $300mm 1999
Co-founded (banking) 1999
Merged with Cofinity forming PayPal 2000
Bought by Ebay, 2002 for $1.5 bln
Founded SpaceX 2002
Joined Tesla Motors 2004
As we know, the story is much larger.
Liberalism, built at universities, Conservatism, built on the factory floors. On the Zuck, he’s a coward that uses his first ammendment and silences others. You’ll never see him high fiving it on a construction sight, he’s a dog like Gates.
Ever met a blue collar that believes his second ammendment should be infringed? Wants illegals voting? Doesn’t want a wall built?
Again, Zuck the Zuck!

Jeff Page
3 years ago
Reply to  BNewman

Hope I can find the article I read yesterday posted in one of the groups I’m in to send to you. Bait and switch liberals can’t win arguments without trying to switch to racism, children, …
Everything is a crisis, especially H1N1, polar bears stranded (resting) on a floating ice sheet after a 70 mile swim. They’re elitist snobs buying their carbon offsets while flying private jets and wrecking their Yukons into Priuses. How do you identify? What the Zuck is that? Why are they so stuck on 50.01% being a super majority? Does that really offer any validation of their lunatic ideals?
They really suck!