Day 5 with the Communist Chinese Virus

Day 5 with the Communist Chinese Virus

I went 2-1/2 years without a vaccine one or any incidence of the Communist Chinese Virus when it finally caught up to me. I must have been a tough customer [to last that long without], but even the toughest of us fail sometimes. The man on Fox television last night said that the latest COVID variant [B-something] running around the Dallas area is extremely contagious, and very easily acquired when compared to previous variants. This is probably the one I caught after returning home last weekend. I woke up on the 4th of July to a nightmare. Everything I owned ached. Fever, chills, sore throat, and extreme fatigue lasting for days along with zero appetite, and for that reason I’ve lost around 7-8 pounds. I haven’t eaten a real meal since last weekend, and I had no desire. I don’t know how long these symptoms with last but I’m headed back to bed as soon as I finish writing this post.

Understand some things about COVID-19 and all its future variants. What Dr. Anthony Fauci has done would make the infamous Nazi Doctor, Josef Mengele, appear friendly. Fauci is the “new” Josef Mengele, the new “Angel of Death”. Fauci as the head of the National Institute of Health, (N.I.H.), sent U.S. taxpayer money to a lab in Wuhan, China with the sole purpose of creating [and studying] corona viruses inside a COMMUNIST COUNTRY! Thus, it was our tax dollars that funded this deadly virus that has killed how many Americans? The fake news channels never want to bring this matter up about Fauci, but the number probably exceeds 2 million by now. Dr. Fauci needs to be not only removed from office immediately but also prosecuted on charges of Treason against the United States, which [back in the day] carried the death penalty… Republicans in the House have voiced their concerns over this matter and it will be a priority in their new upcoming term.

Stay Healthy!

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

Fauci won’t even be an afterthought. Nobody can quantify the number of lifes taken by Covid,,or saved by a vaccine which appears to have the efficacy of a doorknob. People think I’m cold when I ask who ran a cost risk analysis. Our cost spans two generations, not one, as many kids are 6-18+ months behind in standardized testing, not to mention emotional growth and maturity. I would love Fauci to pay an extreme price because he is guilty, sadly, I don’t see it happening. Omar on the other hand…
Get well.