“Climate Change” Claims it’s Very First Victim!

“Climate Change” Claims it’s Very First Victim!

Death by “Climate Change”, I’m hear to announce to you that finally I found one thing that died of “Climate Change”. Before I reveal who or what the first to die from “Climate Change” is, I’d like to go over a couple things that are “knowns”, as opposed to “unknowns”. Many things in this world will go unexplained because we humans had no hand in them in the first place as they way preceded our introduction. Things like the creation of the planets, our solar system, the existence of the Milky Way Galaxy, our known Universe, not to mention black holes and all that. There’s not one person, neither a Hollywood Actor, nor a Scientist nor a Tech Oligarch that can claim they had anything at all to do with the creation of these things. Yet these type things exist, and they pre-existed us way before the first of our species ever walked upon this planet.

Word has it that it was in the 1960’s when scientists first discovered fossil remains of Homo Sapiens like us. They lived around 300,000 years ago in what is now Morocco on the Western African continent. 300,000 years ago would have meant most likely around 8,500 generations of Homo Sapiens have preceded our existence to get us where we are today, that’s a ton of relatives right? I bet those 8,500 generations witnessed a bunch of weather changes, what you wanna bet? But wait, this planet we’re living on is 4.5 billions years old now. Thus, Homo Sapiens have only walked this Earth for about .00667% of the time, or a very brief time in the planet’s history. Gee and just now, according to Democrats, Homo Sapiens are destroying the planet with everyone’s “carbon parties”? I wonder if people that lived in caves back then had “Climate Experts”, Climate Czars like John Kerry telling everyone else what to do? Maybe they traveled around in their Fred Flintstone-style stone-wheel buggies warning cavemen about how they were destroying the planet just by living, breathing… I’ll always wonder. Did these ancestors of ours have anyone who claimed that they could control the weather as long as everyone else [besides them] stopped doing something – like hunting, cooking, or making arrowheads, or maybe even rubbing two sticks together to create a fire? Which reminds me, I bet cavemen made a lot of fires. I bet they kept a constant fire going releasing a bunch of carbon smoke in the air back in their day. And yet we’re still here more than 300,000 years later aren’t we? But because of our irresponsible ancestors (back then and now) suddenly we’re suffering? Our ice caps will melt you know. Democrats believe that planet Earth doesn’t dictate weather patterns, instead Homo Sapiens do that… who knew?

And according to these “Climate Change” homos, if you drill for something that occurred naturally in the ground over millions and millions of years, and you retrieve it from that same ground it destroys the planet. You know the place that originally stored it? See how this works? {{{Shaking my head}}}. But stay with me here because at the same time, Homo Sapiens will still be here, even after we destroy the planet. Wait, so what these climate experts that can control weather are saying is that earthlings are going to get along just fine while simultaneously selfishly destroying the planet? I get it… not really. Has anyone asked these climate gurus where they plan to live going forward because it obviously will not be Earth. Perhaps Mars? Great idea! Not. It only takes 7-8 months to get there, [that’s if they leave out in a small window every two years when the planet comes close to Earth’s orbit around the Sun]. And do these same Leftist homos realize yet that Mars is absent an atmosphere, the kind that accommodates breathing? Who wants to be the first to let these Leftist homos in on this little secret?

No, I’ll be staying right here on planet Earth and taking my chances. I figure there’s no since in changing my address again, people have trouble finding me as it is. 🙂 Oh, I almost forgot to reveal our very first victim of “Climate Change”. Turns out it’s “sanity”, yes, sanity has completely left the building in America today folks. These “Climate Change” gurus, these Leftist-grade politicos are real nut cases!

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Jeff Page
3 years ago

So are you saying we’re safe from the ice age? LMAO and tossing F bombs at the same time.

Jeff Page
3 years ago

These same alarmist idiots did save us from the ice age. Dumb asses.