Case Dismissed and Judy Dismissed!

Case Dismissed and Judy Dismissed!

You went to court to re-coup $300 seriously? In the middle of the city of Los Angeles people are going to court just to recoup $300? Parking in L.A. is $300 by now! “Judge Judy”… seriously, why is this even a show? No one gets to live in California for nothing. Even homeless people have to work to keep their spots on the roads and city walks out there. It’s way overpriced, and way over-Socialist Taxifornia. And instead of working some people are spending their day inside a court room to get back almost nothing? This makes zero sense. I used to watch this program before Judge Judy decided that she publicly despised Orange Man but loved the Socialist and Liar, Diaper Joe. Once she made this public my viewership was out immediately.

I’ve never seen one Judge Judy episode where the award was greater than $2,500.00, and even those are rare. Here’s someone, a Leftist Hypocrite, who probably makes $2,500 per hour to decide cases worth only $300.00? Something is just way wrong with that. Judge Judy either needs to up her client base or get off the television and volunteer her time and expertise, or at least share her income with her plaintiffs and defendants. That would be the noble thing to do. Judy stop embellishing yourself over people who have literally nothing, very little resources. In fact, they’re so small that they feel a need to go to court to re-coup a sum of even $200.00. So give me a break – you’re no Judge (Judy), you’re a highway robber!

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Jeff Page
3 years ago

Whiskey Tengo. WT = White Trash!
How are you to collect anyway?

Jeff Page
3 years ago
Reply to  BNewman