How Stuff Works

How Stuff Works

It’s “WayMo” Than I Thought Possible!

Will you need to own an automobile in the future? The answer may surprise you!

Why Imposing Tariffs is Optimal

The United States is the world's largest market for consumer goods, yet we make almost nothing. So who holds the cards? You decide.

So You Got Reasons?

You may be wondering, can machines learn? The answer is Yes and No. Find out what machines can never do.

You Still Want a Flat Tax? NO YOU DON’T!

Yes, the prospects of a flat-tax of 10%. Read how this idea has now gone "bye-bye" in these United States!

U.S. Inflation, Part II

There's an end to every story it's just that some must face delays for the common good.

Planet Jupiter: Friend or Foe?

Get acquainted with the bully on the block, Jupiter... because what you don't know CAN hurt you. 🙂



Shlimp Flied Lice!

What, you no likey flied lice? Read why Communists, both domestic and foreign, must continually steal for a living.

Jiu-Jitsu, One Remedy for U.S. Political Ills

Voters get one more opportunity in November to connect the dots that lead to the ugly facts about Socialism.

If Elected, Commies Will Party Like It’s 1999!

Should these two Devilcrat Socialists win the upcoming election? Fasten your seatbelt because your life is going to change!

Still a Dictator; Just Add Diaper?

Joe's best days have been the worst for America yet he refuses to pass the torch. Will America's Dictator be wearing a diaper soon?

Value is “in the Eye of the Beholder”

This will go down as the largest frivolous lawsuit ever filed! Courts should never interfere when two parties agree on perceived value.

When Government Spending Becomes Toxic

Way too much government spending since the Democrats controlled Congress and the White House making it a good time to re-visit lessons in Macroeconomics.



Brian Did “Everything” Right!

Read how Brian did everything the right way and in perfect timing too!

Smile, You’re on Candid Camera!

Cameras are everywhere now! It may surprise you to know that in general, I think it's beneficial.

“Saws-All” For Sale, $999,999.99

And did I mention Exact Change Required at time of purchase?

“Hi Ladies, I’m Fresh Out of Jail!”

"And I just can't wait to meet you!" 🙂 If you're Single you may want to read this... ample evidence still exists today that ladies ...

Lady Seeks Man, “Stable and Mature”

I really would like to find one special person but I keep stepping on my own feet by sending funny quips whenever I see a ...

“Turn Around & Walk Out” [of My Courtroom]

What's that Judge? "Turn around and walk out, you may return when you have pants on."



The Greatest Gift of Them All!

The Greatest Gift ever bestowed on mankind is indeed "priceless", as it can never be purchased.

There is a Master of the Universe

What Jesus had to say 2,000 years ago astonished the crowd then... challenges us still today.

“Follow Me”

My metaphor for this life - we're all on a leash. If you've never thought of your life in this way think back to instances ...

How is Hatred [for Jews] Working Out For You?

For all who lash out against Jews, did you forget that Jesus, the Messiah was himself a Jew? Do you really want to go there?

The Day When All Believers Vanish

Christians who are living their lives at what can best be described as "perfectly" imperfect are said to just vanish from the earth, and all ...

Who’s on Your “Dream Team”?

Well it had to be divine intervention, there's no other explanation...



Surviving a 96-hour Fast

What if I told you much of what you consume daily is just out of habit? Our bodies don't need all this food!

Trust Me, Cayenne is Your “Frenne”

If you're an adult by now you've been rocked by this pepper. But do you know how effective this pepper can be in other applications?

The Meaning Behind Fairways, One History

Sports mimics life, I am defeated more times than I experience victory, a condition I own for as long as I practice my golf game.

The Greatest Story Ever Told, almost

Immigration to America was once a Noble cause. This is partly a story about how one family came to America in the 1600's.

“Even the Kitchen Sink” Black-eyed Peas

If you were born in the South you need to count your blessings and the day to do all that is the very first day ...

Brantology’s 2nd Year Anniversary! [edition] is "officially" two years old today! Just a mere infant in this world. I take pride in my site and the opinions expressed herein, ...



A Film Review from my “Bad-Ass Blondes” Archive

Never judge anyone strictly on appearance, often times we'll be wrong. This film reminds us that life's journey is worth way more than any destination.

Pass it All Around, Sweet Cherry Wine!

I'm not quite ready to shout Kumbaya! I think Americans in 1969 were suffering from a bit of naivete'.

“Last Stop in Yuma County”, a film review

"Last Stop in Yuma County" reveals a couple truths about the human existence; one, many people are not above taking unscrupulous short cuts in life.

Essence of Beauty in Song (Part II)

Life is going around in circles Wonder will it ever end If I die, baby, will you miss me Or just find another friend...

The Perfect Truth Behind “Little Lies”

This is a brief on an iconic singer/songwriter from Northern England. Through her work is found a standard in crafting music. She was indeed "Perfect".

… Otherwise it’s “Vintage” Metheny

A Pat Metheny compilation never disappoints in taking my ears to newly discovered territory, even performing solo!

Uncle J's Antics

Uncle J's Antics

A Not So Great Debate!

Uncle J's Antics are back! The long-awaited debate between Criminal Joe and President Donald Trump. Will Diaper Joe be victorious? Find out what happens here ...

2022: GoodBye, So-Long, Good-Riddance!

The year ends with the market falling like crazy and a President whose mind is still jumbled and hazy.

Diaper Joe’s Playlist ~ New from Uncle J!

The Grand Confusion – STYX Release of My Fart – Janis Joplin Oy to the World – Grand Fund Fool on Capital Hill  – the ...

~ The Thinker ~

Old Unc. J thought we might start the New Year out with a non-political golf poem. I used to write these for a local magazine ...

‘Tis the Season… (To Never Forget!)

Yes, boys and girls, it is that time of year when our thoughts turn towards giving, Santa Claus, and, of course, forgiveness for those that ...

Opening Initial First Inaugural Kick Off Kick Ass Edition!

For a very special Holiday treat, I thought I would kick off with some cheery Christmas tunes that y’all can sing around the fire while ...

Brant’s Rants

Brant’s Rants

The U.S. Was Formed Due to Censorship

How do you think this country was formed? This country was founded on Free Speech.

Remaking [the United States of America]

Unwrap that re-wrapped package and Merry Christmas! For America is now on the mend!

So-Called Forgivable Loans? Is an Oxymoron!

In this world one thing you will never ever see is a "forgivable loan". These two terms contradict each other, unless you're a mindless Democrat.

What Some Corporations Don’t Want You to Know

Which American companies embrace WOKEism and are hard at work to destroy the American Dream? Find out!

Investors Decide to Buy Now, Pay Later.

Have you paid attention to the job gains? When government is the largest employer in the country that's not a sign of a healthy economy. ...

Less is More; Why MLB is Losing Appeal

Major League Baseball has an audience problem, they haven't yet learned that when you're offering a commodity, "Less is Always More".

Life has taken me on an interesting journey through peaks and valleys, not to mention many twists and turns. One thing I’ve come to know about myself over the years is that I’m built to take the road less traveled – that has become obvious. I guess someone had to do it right? Had anyone said to me ten years ago that I’d be retired today and starting my own blog I would have thought that they lost their mind. But stranger things have happened I suppose as here I am, with mind intact I might add. There’s a certain contentment that comes with realizing that we are not always commanding our ship – no, some days our lives are more akin to that of a second mate.

I am excited for the opportunity to share my opinion with you on many important topics within this informal setting. We will on ocassion get into the weeds on certain subjects, I’m known for that. And then sometimes I will even have to hold myself back so as to avoid boring you to tears. God knows I’ve put many a client to sleep back in my day. However, going forward, I’ll try to break the subject matter down by dissecting only the good parts, while providing enough background so as to enable you to get to that which I myself found of most interest (to share). This is how I formed my section known as “How Stuff Works”. In addition, these days it’s impossible for me not to include the latest happenings in the world of politics, which is what you’ll find in exploring my section on “Civility”. I fully expect this section, among others, to add value and benefit to you the reader.

Subscribe to today, I invite you to tell your friends and family about my new site.