How Stuff Works
How Stuff Works
It’s “WayMo” Than I Thought Possible!
Why Imposing Tariffs is Optimal
So You Got Reasons?
You Still Want a Flat Tax? NO YOU DON’T!
U.S. Inflation, Part II
Planet Jupiter: Friend or Foe?
Shlimp Flied Lice!
Jiu-Jitsu, One Remedy for U.S. Political Ills
If Elected, Commies Will Party Like It’s 1999!
Still a Dictator; Just Add Diaper?
Value is “in the Eye of the Beholder”
When Government Spending Becomes Toxic
Brian Did “Everything” Right!
Smile, You’re on Candid Camera!
“Hi Ladies, I’m Fresh Out of Jail!”
Lady Seeks Man, “Stable and Mature”
“Turn Around & Walk Out” [of My Courtroom]
The Greatest Gift of Them All!
There is a Master of the Universe
“Follow Me”
How is Hatred [for Jews] Working Out For You?
The Day When All Believers Vanish
Surviving a 96-hour Fast
Trust Me, Cayenne is Your “Frenne”
The Meaning Behind Fairways, One History
The Greatest Story Ever Told, almost
“Even the Kitchen Sink” Black-eyed Peas
Brantology’s 2nd Year Anniversary! [edition]
A Film Review from my “Bad-Ass Blondes” Archive
Pass it All Around, Sweet Cherry Wine!
“Last Stop in Yuma County”, a film review
Essence of Beauty in Song (Part II)
The Perfect Truth Behind “Little Lies”
… Otherwise it’s “Vintage” Metheny
Uncle J's Antics
Uncle J's Antics
A Not So Great Debate!
2022: GoodBye, So-Long, Good-Riddance!
Diaper Joe’s Playlist ~ New from Uncle J!
~ The Thinker ~
‘Tis the Season… (To Never Forget!)
Opening Initial First Inaugural Kick Off Kick Ass Edition!
Brant’s Rants
Brant’s Rants
The U.S. Was Formed Due to Censorship
Remaking [the United States of America]
So-Called Forgivable Loans? Is an Oxymoron!
What Some Corporations Don’t Want You to Know
Investors Decide to Buy Now, Pay Later.
Less is More; Why MLB is Losing Appeal
Life has taken me on an interesting journey through peaks and valleys, not to mention many twists and turns. One thing I’ve come to know about myself over the years is that I’m built to take the road less traveled – that has become obvious. I guess someone had to do it right? Had anyone said to me ten years ago that I’d be retired today and starting my own blog I would have thought that they lost their mind. But stranger things have happened I suppose as here I am, with mind intact I might add. There’s a certain contentment that comes with realizing that we are not always commanding our ship – no, some days our lives are more akin to that of a second mate.
I am excited for the opportunity to share my opinion with you on many important topics within this informal setting. We will on ocassion get into the weeds on certain subjects, I’m known for that. And then sometimes I will even have to hold myself back so as to avoid boring you to tears. God knows I’ve put many a client to sleep back in my day. However, going forward, I’ll try to break the subject matter down by dissecting only the good parts, while providing enough background so as to enable you to get to that which I myself found of most interest (to share). This is how I formed my section known as “How Stuff Works”. In addition, these days it’s impossible for me not to include the latest happenings in the world of politics, which is what you’ll find in exploring my section on “Civility”. I fully expect this section, among others, to add value and benefit to you the reader.
Subscribe to today, I invite you to tell your friends and family about my new site.