America’s “Real War” is Inside Our Own Borders

America’s “Real War” is Inside Our Own Borders

Educate yourself with the facts always. You really need to read this in its entirety, you’re welcome in advance…

A President Joe Biden? Seriously? Back in the 1980’s everyone thought that Jimmy Carter was the worst President that would ever occupy the White House during our lifetime, for those of us [anyway] that were not present during the Woodrow Wilson years. Then we all caught ourselves thinking “okay, looks like we’re finally past all that as Barack Obama will definitely be the absolute worst President the United States will ever have to suffer through!” Well guess what? We have yet one that’s topped both Jimmy and Barry, and all in the same lifetime. What are the chances right? Introducing Joe Biden, amazing stupidity in leadership, and he’s achieved it all inside just 13 months which has to be some kind of record.

How stupid is this statement for a President of the United States to make to a ruthless Communist Dictator?

Take the U.S. economy, it was the strongest the world has ever known and now Democrats have turned it into a totally brainless piece of shit within 13 months. Now that’s talent built by Joe and the Democrats. This total imbecile spends an hour and a half on national television to tell us how we’re making progress on “Climate Change” initiatives? How much weather have Democrats controlled so far? In my opinion we don’t need to be involved in a war on foreign soil when we have one right here at home. And it’s the mother of all wars, the War on Stupidity! And believe me Joe Biden is just the tip of the iceberg for stupidity 24/7 coming out of Democrats from all over the country. Consider the following super-gaffes just in the past 13 months coming out of these total imbeciles –

– Defund the Police and Early Release of Criminals out of Prisons:
Result? Crime rates rise across all major metro areas, but especially in Democrat controlled cities. In some cases criminal activity has doubled or even tripled!

– Halt all progress on the Keystone Pipeline which connects and transports oil from Canada and Mexico into the United States without the use of rail. Safe and inexpensive, maintains America’s energy dominance keeping the price of oil stable in the Western Hemisphere:
Result? Gasoline supplies suffer and Americans are paying prices for fuel that are up at least 50% from last year. A barrel of oil has eclipsed $100 the last couple of days and is certainly on its way toward that $120/barrel level.

– Instructs the countries of Western Europe to be solely dependent on Russian natural gas to meet their needs, while simultaneously stopping U.S. exports of energy to those same Western European countries. Then has the United States purchasing oil from Russia to meet our own needs here at home:
Result? Russia is making $billions per month on the exporting of energy and decides now that so many are dependent on Russian fuel during the harsh Winter that it’s a good time to stage an invasion of Ukraine. Any common sense strategist would calculate that the pushback from aggression would be minimal. Thus, Joe built this Russian Invasion into Ulkraine!

– It was the U.S. Democrats during the Obama years that lobbied for Ukraine to give up their nuclear weapons:
Result? See what happens when you let Democrats run a country – Ukraine (without a nuclear weapon) has lost their country to one that has, Russia! Thousands of Ukrainians will die and/or be imprisoned. Bottom line, Socialists inside the United States have now secured the expansion of Communism and the Democrats in the U.S. can now add that to their own resumes.

Listen, we have three more years of this total shithole lack of leadership. There is absolutely no telling where this country will get down to once these brainless fools are finally out of office. That is my fear, that we will suffer damages as a country which can never be remedied. I’m afraid Americans are going to have to travel to that place, the place where we find out just how deep the doo-doo built by Democrats really is… it’s like having to hold a pile of excrement in hand, life under Democrats is downright nasty!

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Jeff Page
3 years ago

Ukraine gave up it’s Nukes in 1994. Nobody will make that mistake again. Imagine, one day you are the third most powerful (nuclear) nation in the world, the next day you have none. See “Budapest Memorandum”, “Partnership For Peace”.
Yes, you will be sickened further.

XL is dead, Obama tossed it in the court system and nothing comes out of that hell hole. Congress can put ANWR in play, Biden doesn’t control Federal land or it’s resources. See U.S. Construction, Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2. F*** Biden’s executive orders.
Western Europe chose their destiny…
“In terms of foreign suppliers, Russian gas was just the cheapest! Rather than diversifying suppliers, routes to import Russian gas were diversified”. ~ Tim Schittekatte, MIT.
A valuable lesson when looking at China.
America First works best in the long term, a fact no liberal can see.

Jeff Page
3 years ago
Reply to  BNewman

Liberals, it’s always two steps back and another two steps back. Powell hasn’t a clue, 25 bps is equal to standing pat. Nothing.