“A Daily Prayer for the Unemployed”

“A Daily Prayer for the Unemployed”

I was searching as to why a desk drawer was reluctant to close the other day, it was so full of stuff, stuff I hadn’t seen in years. So I started digging in there to see what if anything I really needed? Like I found MRI results from a few years ago (haven’t needed to look at those). 🙂 Among some stuff I hadn’t seen in a long time was a prayer on a piece of paper I had held onto for years. It was handed out to patrons of a church that I once belonged to. It worked for me so I thought I would share it with anyone that might be in need of some direction in this regard. Understanding that when you run a business, each day you awake, you’re basically unemployed. And it’s up to you to make things happen. Get it? That was me, I was a wealth manager in need of finding new business each day. So finding money to place and manage was my lifeline and I employed this prayer often, especially during challenging environments… plus it helped me to know that I could call on someone larger than myself for help and assistance. I hope you will find the prayer below is helpful as well.

“Heavenly Father, your hand of grace has provided for me every day of my life. All that I have received and all that I have enjoyed has been a gift from you. You know my needs before I ask, and yet today I ask for your special grace and guidance in my life. Give me grace not to be anxious or fearful in these times of hardship and trial. Give me guidance in places and before people so that I may find meaningful and productive work. And finally, bring me more and more each day to a deeper knowledge of your love and your will for my life. I ask this by the power of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.”

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Jeff Page
3 years ago

That’s a good one!