___Skating on Thin Ice ___

___Skating on Thin Ice ___

Remember America?
We’re the ones located between “drug cartel-owned” Mexico and the “wokes” in Canada. You know, that one? Well I’m writing to inform you we are broke, broke as we can be! Never has there ever been a time in history when this country owed $34 Trillion dollars and counting. I’ve written about this debacle before, our government can’t rub two nickels together now. It’s a message heard every single day but only over news channels with integrity such as Fox affiliates and OAN and a couple others. You won’t ever hear about this debacle over fake news outlets run by Democrats, namely CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or NBC. That’s because Democrats ignore the facts, they will twist factual information to their liking every chance they get. Still the facts remain that this country has a reckoning coming. The exact shape or form it will take is yet to be determined. This piece is only about the symptoms that will eventually lead up to that yet-to-be-determined outcome.

Living Under Gargantuan Debt Service Payments
This is the part of the equation that every American will feel, no one will escape this matter. The interest on U.S. government debt is so large that it could [easily] one day become impossible to ever pay back. You see, woke policies that chase Utopian values and their fake Utopias got us to where we are today. Fake Climate Change regulations have played a part in this, plus the creation of government spending programs that escalate agendas like DEI initiatives are not only stifling U.S. GDP growth going forward, they create inflationary pressures that squeeze out real economic growth. Sending $billions in American tax revenue to foreign countries where their oligarchs confiscate it and never distribute it to the masses, this is also part of the Liberal’s Utopian agenda. To date, Democrats have allowed more than 9 million illegal aliens to enter our country since the Biden Crime Family first occupied the White House. Democrats are now proposing to feed, cloth, and house these illegals for free! Plus provide them with free phones and cash via debit card balances [out of thin air]. Whoa! That’ll cost us taxpayers a $trillion in social services, law enforcement, not to mention the jails necessary to house these new criminals and the expenses that go along with that. The news from the Democrat Camp gets worse [about] every single day! The only way [throughout our history] to ever reduce the U.S. federal deficit has been to grow out of it but that is an impossibility now under the continually outrageous spending programs put forward by Democrats over the past three years; an issue that tugs at the heart of why we are here and talking about this. There is absolutely no hope under woke leftist policies of ever righting a ship which now costs more than $1 Trillion per year, [just in interest payments alone], to float!

I Bet You Just Can’t Wait!
To get your hands on a 10-U.S. Treasury security about now, right? 🙂 Given the ginormity of this mess, why is our 10-year U.S. Treasury Bond yield still sitting at only a 4.3% yield? Why are rates on the 10-year bond not hanging closer to an historical 6, maybe even a 7% handle by now, where it belongs? That’s a very good question the once “$64,000 question”! Defies logic actually but never underestimate today’s Democrats to bury us deep in the doo-doo.

[Tons of what we see and hear from their camp is untrue, fake, smoke and mirrors. I fear that what we’re seeing today in the Treasury market is just another massive mis-information scheme as these Democrats have demonstrated they will do anything – anything, including destroying the country just to stay in power.]

Or, could it be that it just takes a while to unwind these trades on the notion that interest rates were artificially engineered to zero for a couple decades to accommodate really poor anti-growth economic policies coming once again from liberal Utopian agendas, i.e. Obama-nomics? And they’re not done yet folks, fasten your seat belts because instead of having colleges and universities [themselves] pay for the cost of useless degree plans [whose graduates remain unemployable], Democrats in Washington now want to wipe away student debt. Great idea dumbasses! Never call out these useless degree plans and their ridiculous costly tuition programs for what they are, instead spend another $Trillion dollars in taxpayer’s revenue to retire all student debt. Does this cockamamy scheme seem plausible to you? If so, I’d suggest you get in line to have your head examined!

When Utopians Rule
Again, no one out there is exactly certain how this scenario of paying down our enormous debt will end, but end it will one day. In the meantime, many a tech guru is having you believe that Federal Reserve rate cuts are just around the corner by golly. Just you wait and see, all kind of rate cuts coming they say. You bet dumbass! These same Utopian fools were predicting the Fed would be cutting rates as early as last June, that was in 2023. Then they said surely by September; well September came and went also. Then they said just hold tight to our long duration A.I. plays because rate cuts are just around the corner. That’s interesting, because we see inflation ever expanding once again [based on the latest February economic data] at both the wholesale and end-user, or household level. Let me get this straight, you’re suggesting interest rate cuts under a full employment scenario while inflation has raised our goods and services prices 20%+ overall in just the past 3 years? The only way that happens is if these Democrats are successful at twisting truth once again, and pull out all the stops in a desperate attempt to stay in power, after all it is an election year. I’ll leave you with this thought, should we witness the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates prior to the Presidential Election? I’d say run for the hills because they’re about to pour gasoline over a bonfire! 😉

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11 months ago

We are now paying more on debt service than Social security. We are now paying more on debt service than our military. No more CRs!
Scary read!