On Why Dictators Never Need Financial Planners ~

On Why Dictators Never Need Financial Planners ~

Financial Planning focuses on designing retirement plans that are sustainable, meaning one can sleep at night knowing that they will be able generate enough income during their retirement years to maintain some “desired” standard of living [for the remainder of their natural lives]. And who doesn’t need that right? You would be surprised. There are a few that don’t need financial planners to generate a personal retirement plan. Communist Dictators are in this category. These guys never need a “retirement plan” mostly because the job is a lifetime appointment, or is expected to be that way. Then there’s this thing where Communist Dictators are never expected to long lives, plus these dictatorship jobs come equipped with some unique benefits. Lately anyway, we see them taking all the spoils for their efforts in the form of all the property, money, and lives one can steal in one’s lifetime. Yep, that’s any Communist leading about any illegitimate regime. So, in a sense anyway, dictators need never plan for a retirement. No, they’re spending an inordinate amount of their time just maintaining total control [over every-little-thing]. And some of these evil dudes have been lucky enough to die of natural causes while still in power, especially in cases where they have a brother, [as in the case of Fidel Castro], or perhaps a son [as in the case of Kim Jong Il of North Korea], or a sister [as in the case of Kim Jong Un, also of North Korea]. However, several other Communist dictators haven’t been so lucky, that is, found a way to maintain the office and die peacefully. Leave no doubt that at some point all of these illegitimate government regimes run out of trusted and equally yoked evil people to continue on in suppressing of their masses. Talk about an “unsustainable” situation!

Here’s one article I found on the subject of Communists and their eventual transition plans below –
By Stephanie Pappas @ livescience.com.
“Here are a baker’s dozen famous modern dictators and their causes of death:
Joseph Stalin, Russia (1878-1953): Stroke
Benito Mussolini, Italy (1883-1945): Summarily executed by communists; body hung upside-down and pummeled with rocks.
Adolf Hitler, Germany (1889-1945): Suicide
Francisco Franco, Spain (1892-1975): Declining health and Parkinson’s Disease
Mao Zedong, China (1893-1976): Declining health; possibly Lou Gehrig’s Disease
Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier, Haiti (1907-1971): Diabetes and heart disease
Kim Il-Sung, North Korea (1912-1994): Heart attack
Augusto Pinochet, Chile (1915-2006): Congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema
Nicolae Ceausescu, Romania (1918-1989): Executed by firing squad after a show trial
Idi Amin, Uganda (1925-2003): Kidney failure
Saddam Hussein, Iraq (1937-2006): Found guilty of crimes against humanity and hanged
Moammar Gaddhafi, Libya (1942-2011): Captured, beaten and killed by rebel fighters
Kim Jong-Il, North Korea (1941 or 1942-2011): Heart attack”
I’m adding one to the list:
Che Guevara, Castro’s Cuban Revolution (October 9, 1967): Captured by the Bolivian Army and executed a day later

I noticed something looking over this list of Communists. Especially in cases where there was no heir “apparent”, in other words, a close family member that can maintain the regime without having the previous dictator hanged or placed in prison due to an overthrow, these dictators in particular are sure rolling the dice [on their future]. At least half [or more] of the Communists listed above died a violent death. So it’s going to be interesting to see how Communist leaders like Xi of China and Putin of Russia end up, as neither of these men have an heir “apparent”, at least not one that I am aware of at this writing. And in keeping with the normal pattern of an illegitimate dictator, neither of these men are planning to retire either.

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

Sounds familiar. A people told how to think, produce, worship and speak! Welcome to Amerika!