You Still Believe “Woke-ness” Pays?

You Still Believe “Woke-ness” Pays?

These developments have occurred just since the 2020 Presidential Election, a period of 13 months…
– U.S. Inflation @ 10% as the cost of “essential items” soars!
– Russia invading Ukraine (because there will be no consequences from this “woke” administration).
– China incubates, releases a deadly virus now costing our economy in the neighborhood of $10 trillion, and yet suffers no consequences per our “woke” administration.
– Stocks trading on the NASDAQ exchange (outside of a handful of Tech stalwarts) are now down 50% from their recent all-time highs.
– The Federal Reserve, run by “woke” Liberals has still failed to halt their Quantitative stimulus program, so our own Fed is now supporting runaway inflation.
– Joe Biden destroys America’s energy independence his first day in office.
– More than 2 million illegal aliens have now entered the United States via the “woke” WH open border policy. Many are criminals and their whereabouts are unknown.
– U.S. Consumer Confidence has now plummeted… how much longer will this economy hang on prior to entering recession?

Remember when the Leftist “wokes” insisted on removing Civil War statues and renaming public buildings because it was required to deliver the population to the promised land? Just 2 years ago we were a land of prosperity! All that’s gone down the drain. We have Leftists running the White House, both houses of Congress, several states, and not to mention, large metro areas along with most major media networks. Democrats have turned this country into a lawless and corrupt Socialist mess inside just 13 months. Think the economy can hold up under this scenario for 3 more years? Think again…

If I were still working I’d be really worried right now, wondering will my company survive this? If so, then will my position survive? Will I or a family member become a victim of crime because these Democrats have been releasing prisoners all over the U.S., inviting all kinds of criminals to cross into our borders, and failing to prosecute many crimes, while at the same time, un-funding major metropolitan police departments. It’s a recipe for absolute disaster! If you ask me, I’ve actually never seen anything like what the Democrats have done to this country – it’s that bad!

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

WTI banged over $100 @ 04:30. No drilling on Federal land. Federal means paid for by U.S. tax dollars. You own it, I own it, we want to drill it. Dumb asses voted for it. RBOB $3.05. Russia has moved on Ukraine. Check ETFs USO, PALL, WEAT… Commodities driven market pacing ahead of inflation. Biden is the laughing stock of the world. This won’t end well with the assembly of brains in the regressive party. What kills me most is the complete ignorance and apathy. I’m starting to believe there are only a handful that actually read and follow facts. Crime is horendness. All is man made crap.