Sleeping With The Enemy ~

Sleeping With The Enemy ~

Priority One is to remove Communist China [completely] from our critical supply chain. Do you know how important our supply chain is? Have you ever searched for food, shelter? How about medicine? China is in a position right now to strongly control our ability to get many of these things. How does being beholden to a Communist Regime to eat [or get access to important medications] sound to you as an American? Yes, Communist China has been supplying a ton of stuff to us that the average American is not even aware of.

How did this happen? Well, many of you folks reading this have been re-electing, re-sending crooks to Washington for years, that’s how it happened! Republicans and Democrats in the past, but more recently, over the past 20 years it’s been Democrats. These politicians are on the take, they’re getting paid off to give Communist China access to all kinds of things, including our top secret government plans and documents. The Biden’s alone have received up to $100 million from the Communist Chinese Government. Think I’m crazy? Living in make believe land? Think again!

Donald Trump was the only President, the only President to call attention to this fact. The only American President over the last probably 10 who served that called a halt to enriching the Communist Chinese, and put measures in place to limit their access to critical U.S. information and processes. Information that could eventually harm U.S. competitiveness and leave the United States security vulnerable going forward. Now Democrats want to undo all that Trump achieved in the area of bringing back U.S. manufacturing and critical supply chains.

This Inflationary Joe and Kamala ticket is worse than any known nightmare for America. A Democrat administration full of deception, lies, with an anti-American agenda at every turn! No administration ever before has openly sought to destroy American business [with high taxes and over-regulation and open borders], and it’s law-abiding citizens [while protecting criminals] to the degree that this administration has. I know that God is watching all this evil and injustice play out around us at home. I can’t wait to see how this nightmare and the evil people that perpetuated it, plus the ignorant that placed these Bozos in office are going to all meet their end. Destruction of the United States [from within] doesn’t come cheap, therefore, they must all eventually pay!

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Jeff Page
2 years ago

Sad, you’re just scratching the surface.
With a complicit media and techno-barrons, hell may not be large enough.