Domicile Earth? Only a Temporary Condition

Domicile Earth? Only a Temporary Condition

I recently asked myself, What would deter this sadness, what would cure me from losing my daughter back in March of 2013? She would have turned 31 this year. Just a question I contemplated. However, the difference this time being that I asked for a “cure”, which was a personal first [for me]. I thought about it for a minute then answered my own question breaking it down into honest terms, “to see her again and have her back in my life, just knowing that she’s [okay] in spirit now would completely turn my own spirits around.” About that time a voice of reason inside my head responded with, “it’s already done, you’re going to be reunited with her one day, remember?” I thought to myself – oh yes I do remember that.

My own logical reasoning had come through. I’m understanding of my faith in a promised afterlife, without fail. It has helped me so much to understand that all we see and all we are here on Earth is but “temporary”. That which is everlasting is what we must earn [in a sense] by spending our days on Earth. Therefore, if you’ve grieved over the passing of someone you love, it helps to remind yourself that your grievance “condition” is only temporary.

Nothing ever stays the same though often we would like it to. Life is ever-changing when it comes to living breathing things in nature, and that’s all by design. However, getting to a place of understanding that realization [for many of us] is not easy, I myself need periodic reminding it appears. Each of us are forced to give up our pilot licenses, and in mid-air sometimes, instead handing the reins over to our faith… and I know that most will have trouble with this concept. Below, I found a passage that relates to this very subject:

John 16:33
“No matter what suffering you endure in this life, Jesus exhorts you to be courageous. How can we have courage to pursue God’s agenda in the midst of tribulation? Jesus gave us the answer –
I conquered the world. Regardless of how the world beats you down, you have reason to live with bold faith because Jesus is the sovereign King of the world. He has defeated sin, Satan, and death. If you’re a believer [in him], your eternity is secure. And Jesus has the power to overrule your earthly circumstances…”

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Jeff Page
3 years ago

As always, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I don’t even have words to offer. I never want to know how I’d feel or react.